Ali Trachta

A still from the famous "Vitameatavegamin" episode of I Love Lucy; Credit: A. Trachta

Hollywood Museum Spotlights Women on TV, Including…a Naked Marilyn Monroe?

See also: *5 Artsy Things to Do in L.A. This Week *Marilyn Monroe's Seven Never-Before-Seen Mostly Nude Photos Two extremely significant moonwalks took place on television. One occurred when Neil Armstrong took his first extraterrestrial steps. The other occurred when Michael Jackson walked backwards almost magically while dancing on the......
Shallot and balsamic vinaigrette; Credit: A. Trachta

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 7, Dressings and Emulsions

See also: The Martha Stewart Cooking School archives. Unlike, say, the stocks episode, we're not sure this dressings and emulsions episode of Martha Stewart's Cooking School is going to save you any money. What you'd spend on really good grapeseed oil or high quality Dijon mustard for use in homemade......
Rice pilaf

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 6, Rice

See also: The Martha Stewart Cooking School archives. Rice can be an unsung hero at times -- taken for granted, treated as merely a bed on which to lay more interesting food, or as filler, say, in a burrito. It's an everyday item, thus we often forget to appreciate the......