Ali Trachta

Ozwald Boateng; Credit: Image courtesy of Trinity Films

How Ozwald Boateng Helped Invent the Suits Men Wear Today

Ozwald Boateng barely made it to L.A. from Hurricane Sandy-ravaged New York. He got stranded at a strange time -- just days before the premiere of his documentary film, A Man's Story, which chronicles both his professional and personal life, and is nearly 15 years in the making. But he's......
Diana Lado; Credit: Simone Paz

Diana Lado Gets Paid to Simply Be Cool

As Diana Lado takes a shallow drag from the cigarette she bummed outside Palihouse in West Hollywood, I ask her why Lindsay Lohan doesn't just get her own apartment. Lohan has recently been kicked out of the Chateau Marmont, and when I met Lado at the Chateau a few days......
Vegetable stock

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 4, Stocks

Squid Ink is going back to basics with Martha Stewart's Cooking School, airing every weekend through the end of the year on PBS. Join us. See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 1, Eggs See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 2, Sauces See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode......
Roasted Spiced Acorn Squash; Credit: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 3, Vegetables

Squid Ink is going back to basics with Martha Stewart's Cooking School, airing every weekend through the end of the year on PBS. Join us. See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 1, Eggs See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 2, Sauces It seems a difficult undertaking to show......
Eggs Benedict with hollandaise; Credit: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 2, Sauces

Squid Ink is going back to basics with Martha Stewart's Cooking School, airing every weekend through the end of the year on PBS. Join us. See also: Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 1, Eggs Martha Stewart believes in studying the classics, she says, as images of Einstein, Shakespeare and Abraham......
Credit: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Episode 1, Eggs

Squid Ink is going back to basics with Martha Stewart's Cooking School, airing every weekend through the end of the year on PBS. Join us! It seems fitting for Martha Stewart to kick off her latest series, Martha Stewart's Cooking School, with eggs, since it's the way many of us......
Credit: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Squid Ink Signs Up For Martha Stewart's Cooking School

In a world where food TV is dominated by ticking clocks, mystery ingredients, blindfolds, curve balls and culinary hijinks, it's incredibly refreshing that Martha Stewart is bringing something completely opposite, and totally simple, into the mix by way of Martha Stewart's Cooking School, premiering this weekend on PBS. (We still......