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The Six-Strings Mystique

A few years ago, bored by grunge and late speed metal and still lamenting the loss of pretty glam in prettier haircuts, I thought loud guitar bands had entirely run out of both options and steam - the only stuff I was liking was sung in Spanish, which I don't......


YAY, BUMMER!DEAR EDITOR:Great goddamn article about LSD ["The Trip," July 3-9]. You consistently outperform any other L.A. publication. Kudos.-Peter BassettLos Angeles DEAR EDITOR:You go, L.A. Weekly! After your consistent but futile attempts to discredit Scientology, a drug-free and highly workable technology that has improved millions of lives, you are now......

Year 2000

In a little less than a year and a half, something bad is going to happen. The world's computers, on which just about everything we eat, earn, spend and save depends, are going to suffer a seizure - or rather a snowballing series of tiny spasms, which in the end......

Year 2000

The subcommittee also graded a number of agencies and departments separately. Social Security, which began fixing its systems in 1987, received an A+. Other agencies did not fare so well. The Department of Defense, with thousands of computer-controlled weapons systems, many of them quite old, got a D. The Department......

Adrian Lyne:

Nearly three years after it was completed, and some 10 months after it premiered in European movie theaters, Adrian Lyne's Lolita arrives on American screens with far less bang than whimper. A glum, dull, witless affair buoyed only by the minor scandal of its failure, until recently, to secure U.S......

Dark Victory

If Steven Spielberg's emotional intelligence matched his visual genius, his harrowing, passionately felt and honorably flawed new film might qualify for one of the greatest American movies ever made about World War II. Saving Private Ryan begins with a 24-minute opening sequence depicting, in horrifically intimate shorthand, the Allied invasion......
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Art Before Memory

Despite an increased awareness in Latin American modern art among U.S. enthusiasts, due in part to record-breaking auctions and the plethora of recently published monographs, Latin America's contemporary-art scene has received comparatively little attention here. Since the art world tends to uphold the rather smug assumption that it's impossible for......
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Disney's Inferno

Of the thousands of people from around the world who make sacred pilgrimages to the Happiest Place on Earth, few devote much thought to the mystery of what exactly makes them so damn happy there. Perhaps the answer can be revealed by delving into the dark side of Disneyland, with......

No Justice, No Growth

From the perspective of the executive suites atop Universal's famous Black Tower, the demonstration that spread out on the lawn below at noontime on July 2 must have seemed passing strange. There were, of course, some irate homeowners protesting Universal's proposal to enlarge its theme park and theaters and CityWalk......
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When the door opens, the light comes on. Real Fridge Cam Openings ( View the latest and greatest openings of the Essen family's refrigerator in Vasterhaninge, Sweden. View stills of Tom and Pirkko, cat Porri and kids Maria, Thomas, Marcus and Annika as they interact with their Electrolux refrigerator. Stop......