Shea Serrano

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Why This Song Sucks: The Worst Rap Tracks of 2012

Welcome to another installment of the worst rap songs of the year, brought to you by Why This Song Sucks. They are all here this year: The all-the-way aged king, the suddenly mortal demigod, the former darling, the current darling, the most successful female rapper of the past decade, the......
Lil Waning?

My Teenage Students Teach Me About Jenni Rivera and Spanish Metal

Every year I teach my eighth grade class about the moon phases. It's slightly confusing, I suppose, because of the nomenclature. I mean, TO BE ENTIRELY REDUCTIONIST, the actual process is pretty easy: the moon appears to change shape in the sky over the course of a lunar cycle because......
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Future's "Turn On The Lights": Why This Song Is Amazing

Song: Future's "Turn On The Lights" History: history? History? HISTORY? Don't be absurd. For there to be history would imply that the time-space continuum holds the Atlanta rapper Future in its grasp, that he is bound by the same physics that governs rove beetles and plums and mailmen. Future is......
Good thing I went to college

Maroon 5's "One More Night": Why This Song Sucks

Song: Maroon 5's "One More Night" History: "One More Night" is from Maroon 5's mostly supposed-to-be-saucy-but-mostly-forgettable Overexposed album, which, FYI, does not include naked pictures of Adam Levine in the liner notes so don't buy it if that's what you were thinking. You will be way disappointed when you open......
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The Lion King's "Hakuna Matata": Why This Song Sucks

Song: The Lion King's "Hakuna Matata" History: "Hakuna Matata" is from Disney's The Lion King. The first time I saw The Lion King was as a preteen with a childhood friend named Bobby. The night before, we spent a few hours hanging out at a convenience store near his apartment......
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Pink's "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)": Why This Song Sucks

Song: Pink's "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" History: "Blow Me" is the first single from Pink's latest album, The Truth About Love. Or, I guess it is. I'm not 100 percent sure. The songs have all been the same shit for, like, the last ten years. We get it, Pink......