Hot Seats

Oscar tickets, as we all know, are not for sale. I decided to try to buy some anyway. A futile exercise, you may say. A waste of time. You’re probably right. I decided to try to buy them anyway. There’s a reason. Last year I was accordioned into the photographers’......

How Good is Olestra?

Olé! Olestra is here! Olean, Procter & Gamble’s brand name for the fake fat derived from cottonseed and soybean oils and sugar, has finally landed on our supermarket shelves in the form of potato chips — regular, ridged and mesquite barbecue — and Doritos tortilla chips just in time for......

Grand Central Stalemate

Walking through sawdust-strewn aisles at downtown’s Grand Central Market, Ralph Penilla Jr. stops and looks around his childhood playground. At 42, Penilla can recall countless afternoons spent playing and working alongside his father at the family-owned eatery. "I grew up in this market," he says. "It’s like home. This place......

Black and Blue on the Border

"They didn’t warn us — we were just standing there. They didn’t say get down. They just started shooting [with wooden pellets]. Then they beat us up." Thus did one inmate at the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service’s El Centro detention center describe a round of reprisals exacted by an......

Back to Iraq

Seated on a couch in his Glendale apartment, surrounded by six of his eight children, Hashim Hawlery looked like a transformed man. Gone was the orange prison uniform worn for a year in an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention facility. In its place, the Iraqi Kurd sported a beige double-breasted......

Gloomy Outlook for Santa Monica

The demise of Santa Monica’s daily newpaper, after 123 years of continuous publication, has ignited a flurry of activity among area newspapers jousting for readers in one of the region’s richest cities. But despite the launch of at least two new community papers, the future of journalism in Santa Monica......
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Concrete Junglist

''Your 15 minutes begin now!" In lieu of standard salutation, Roni Size kicks off the interview with a bark full of prima donna attitude. It’s tempting to shoot back, "And yours are almost up." But the drum ’n’ bass ambassador quickly appends a bit of dry laughter to his command,......
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All About the Benjamins

Revolution is in the air. At a recent capacity-crowded concert by De La Soul in downtown Manhattan’s Tramps nightclub, the die was cast. Puff Daddy, crowned Rolling Stone’s new king of hip-hop less than a year ago, was resoundingly booed. Lest the irony be lost, when De La released their......


DEAR EDITOR: Congratulations to the Weekly and to Howard Blume for delving into the dealmakers behind the Belmont High fiasco ["Feeding Frenzy," cover story, March 6–12]. The team of consultants hired by LAUSD are representative of a type that exists in small numbers, and it is rare that so many......

Sailing to Byzantium

We smelled it first, hours before we got there, a greasy burnt odor of smoke and spice and sewage. "Are we on fire?" Susan asked when she awoke, but we weren’t. We had sailed all night through the Sea of Marmara and were merely approaching the Istanbul harbor.   We......