Rachael Narins

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10 Best Meatballs in Los Angeles

When trying to find the best of something, you need to set a standard -- and that can be pretty difficult when comparing meatballs to meatballs. First of all, a meatball can be made from a variety of ground meats which always seems to prove pork is tastier than chicken......
Styrofoam Sculpture at Thomas Starr King; Credit: Rachael Narins

LAUSD Expels Styrofoam Lunch Trays from School

For the past two years, 1,256 styrofoam school lunch trays -- much less than what most schools use in a day -- have hung suspended from an acacia tree in the garden located in the middle of a school campus, silently gathering grime. But most definitely not decaying. Strung up......
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10 Best Onion Rings in Los Angeles

Angelenos, there are some spectacular onion rings being fried up in our midst. They're most commonly found in two very similar, yet disparate places -- burger joints and steakhouses. In other words, you can pay $3 and get them on a plastic tray with a beer or a bottomless soda;......
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10 Best Pies in Los Angeles

Pie can become a fixation. For some, it's more than just something to eat, it's an experience. For us, it was a challenge. We polled and questioned, consulted the experts, prodded and called and narrowed our list to a daunting 25 local pies to sample. For our own sanity, this......
Burger; Credit: Rachael Narins

5 Condiments to Spice Up Your July Fourth Holiday

The Fourth of July is the perfect egalitarian holiday. Everyone is invited, and you don't have to bring a gift, dress up or sing any particular songs. It happens in summer when the weather is beautiful, there's nothing religious about it, you're not compelled to be with family to celebrate......
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Venn Food Diagram: Eastside Versus Westside Los Angeles

In our ongoing series of Venn food diagrams, we seek to discover what a specific group of people eats versus what other people think they eat. For this edition, we're delving in to dangerous waters, asking: What is eaten on L.A.'s Westside, versus what is eaten on the Eastside? A......
Cookhouse Magazine; Credit: Rachael Narins

Cookhouse Magazine: Soho House Group's In-House Food Magazine

Most of us won't be spending time at the ultra-exclusive Soho House, a members-only club. Which is fine by most of us as well. But if you'd like a behind-the-scenes look at professional food and cooking, they do have something you might be interested in. Through a novel approach to......
Google Cafe; Credit: Rachael Narins

The Google Cafe: A Look Inside the Venice Binoculars

There is a somewhat mythical place where engineers and food obsessives converge. A place that isn't exactly a club, nor is it a restaurant, but it is Fort Knox-level difficult to get into and they certainly do serve pretty terrific food. For free. It's the offices of Google. And if......