Paul Teetor

Credit: Kevin Scanlon

Peter Wallerstein: This Sea Lion Walks Into a Sandbar …

One of the fascinating Angelenos featured in L.A. Weekly's People 2012 issue. Check out our entire People 2012 issue here. An anxious crowd quickly encircled the sea lion. Lying prone on El Porto beach, it was foaming at the mouth, with red bulging eyes. "Do something," a fat man in......
Raven Williams on Shatto Place

Cop Watcher Jailed Twice

Cop watching — the act of turning a camera on police — is not illegal. But in areas policed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, it can still land you in jail. And even when it's a bogus arrest and the fanciful charges against you are abruptly dropped the......
Jack Abramoff: local boy; Credit: RICHARD SHEINWALD/EPA/NEWSCOM

Jack Abramoff on How to Win Friends and Buy Congresspeople

When Jack Abramoff ran for eighth-grade class president at Hawthorne Elementary School in Beverly Hills, he was called into the principal's office because his father had exceeded the $15 spending limit by throwing a campaign barbecue. A tearful Abramoff immediately withdrew. He went on to become a football and wrestling......
Michel and Ellen Shane stand at the street named after their daughter.; Credit: PHOTO BY SIMONE PAZ

Malibu's Blood Alley on PCH

Julie Eamer was shocked when a friend's child was killed by a drunk driver on the Malibu stretch of Pacific Coast Highway 13 years ago. When another friend&...