Paul Teetor

Credit: Bobak Ha'Eri/Wikimedia Commons

UCLA vs USC: Why Brett Hundley Will Dominate Matt Barkley

Matt Barkley is a golden god of the gridiron, one of the most venerated quarterbacks in USC's long and storied history of venerated quarterbacks. He's a first-class gentleman who helps little old ladies across the street, says grace before dinner and is the kind of crew-cut, blond-haired guy every parent......
Credit: By Keith Allison

Five Reasons The Clippers Will Shock The World This Season

There's a future NBA champion being built piece-by-piece at the Staples Center this year. It has a point guard destined for the Hall of Fame, a dominant power forward, a young, outrageously athletic 7-foot center and a shooting guard with no fear, no conscience and no hesitation. I'm talking, of......
A Lakers' championship parade this year? Don't count on it.

5 Reasons to Cancel the Lakers Championship Parade

There are some crazy-ass Lakers expectations floating around town. The last time expectations were this high, USC had a No. 1 pre-season ranking and Matt Barkley had a premature Heisman coronation. How's that working out for Trojans fans? No doubt the new-look Lakers will win a lot of games and......
Culture Clash is Ricardo Salinas

David Dann, a UCLA Senior, Cracks the Dance Music Charts

David Dann has a DIY approach to making a hit dance album. No band? No problem -- just fire up the midi keyboard. No label or studio support? No problem -- create your own mini-studio in your parent's guest house. No marketing or promotional support? No problem -- work your......