Jessica P. Ogilvie

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Is There An Ideal L.A. Woman?

Ladies, if you've ever found yourself wondering what men really want, you're in luck: a new survey from the dating website claims to have found that Los Angeles guys have a type. Ready? She is: a green-eyed brunette who drinks socially, doesn't smoke and graduated from college with a......
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Is There Something Different About L.A. Men?

During a recent conversation over drinks in a beer-soaked West Hollywood dive bar, a friend turned the conversation to the topic of dating. Comparing men in Los Angeles to men in the rest of the country, Susie* wondered aloud if our local boys seem a little more...guarded. Is there a......
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Here's Another Reason Not to Blame Mood Swings on PMS

Hopefully, if you've ever been in a relationship with a woman, you've learned somewhere along the line not to blame her bad moods on PMS. Not just because it will likely enrage her, but because you're probably wrong; women do get angry and express feelings and often have a reason......
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Lies We Tell Ourselves at the End of a Relationship

There comes a time in most relationships when we know we need to call things off. Whether it's a long-term partnership that has reached its natural conclusion or a few dates that clearly aren't going anywhere, we see the end in sight and we can't ignore it any longer. But......
No one likes to say it

Does Social Media Make It Harder To Let Exes Go?

I was perusing the produce section at Trader Joe's when I noticed David* standing about twenty feet away from me. He was looking skinny and a little tired, but just as attractive as he'd been eight months earlier, when our summer fling had faded quietly into fall. After circling around......