
A Giant Dog Loves the Locust: Andrew Cashen of Austin glam-punks A Giant Dog told us about his Locust experience.

Andrew Cashen: One of the best gigs I ever saw was The Locust in Houston at a place called Mary Jane’s in like 2009-ish. It was an early show. Half of the crowd were rednecks who were supposed to get kicked out when the show started, but refused to leave.

They had no idea what they were in store for.

The tension of the crowd was palpable. My friend got punched in the face for standing too close to someone’s girlfriend.

It was maybe the first time I saw a band that was more about performance and theatrics, than being technically good musicians (which they were).

The performance has had a lasting impact on me to this day.

A Giant Dog Loves the Locust: A Giant Dog’s Bite album is out now.




















































































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