
zensei ゼンセー Feels Lucid: Canadian producer zensei ゼンセー (that is his full name) released the lucid EP in November, 14 years after he got going.

I believe I started producing music with a proper DAW in 2009,” he tells us. “I went to a recording school initially to learn how to track my guitar and voice. But a music production class that taught Logic changed my life forever. I started DJing when I first heard Deadmau5 & Kaskade’s “I Remember.” I thought to myself ‘I can’t believe EDM can be so beautiful!’ My friend Brad Chan at the time was already a local DJ. He taught me how to use CDJs and how to burn CDS for songs you downloaded off Beatport, and also gave me my first gig! I quit my job at Forever 21 in 2014 because we (Eminence) booked our first sold-out show at Dolphin Nightclub, Chicago. And the store manager at the time didn’t let me take my time off. I’ve never looked back!”

zensei ゼンセー says that his sound today is a fusion between lofi, house and R&B.

“Heavily inspired by producers I look up to,” he says. “I love putting flaws in my productions. I believe it’s what makes music fun, organic and beautiful! All the render pops, distortion, and off-timings. I do those purposely to keep my ears interested!”

His latest release is lucid.

I started recording and producing lucid alone around September in my bedroom,” he says. “I had a notebook next to my bed because I am a lucid dreamer, and I wrote down all my dreams that I remember and wrote songs about them.”

zensei ゼンセー believes that electronic music today is incredible.

I don’t think there was another time when people were so good at production,” he says. “Almost every week I find a new artist I’m obsessed with. Live performances are getting better as well, I’m in aw of all the talent out there. It keeps me motivated and want to learn more!”

Looking ahead, zensei ゼンセー has a big 2024 planned.

I have something really special planned in March,” he says. “A body of work that I’m so proud of! Some of the parts have been brewing since 2015 with my favorite people! And I’m so incredibly happy it’s finally going to see the light of day.”

zensei ゼンセー Feels Lucidzensei ゼンセー’s lucid EP is out now.
















































































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