The Future of Estate Planning is a LVED Story

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How Ryan Andersen, Terry Anderton, and Travis Johnson Are Revolutionizing the World of Estate Planning


Estate planning isn’t exactly the topic you’d bring up at a dinner party to spice up the conversation. It’s often seen as a complex, expensive, and somewhat morbid task that many prefer to avoid. It’s why over 50% of Americans who need it don’t have a plan. However, the dynamic trio behind LVED (pronounced “loved”) is on a mission to change that perception and make estate planning accessible, affordable and, yes, even cool.

The Wake Up Call

The founders of LVED, Ryan Andersen, Terry Anderton and Travis Johnson, all had a front-row seat to the madness that unfolds when families face a loss without a plan in place. They saw friends stressed by money and logistics and families having conflicts and disputes instead of coming together.

Ryan witnessed firsthand the chaos that can ensue from inadequate estate planning. A close friend’s family threatened to tear apart when their parents passed away after having forgotten to fulfill a vital estate plan action from their lawyer, leaving a mess that took more than a year to resolve. This experience was a wake-up call for Ryan, highlighting the urgent need for a simpler, more transparent approach to estate planning.

Terry’s encounter with the pitfalls of estate planning came when his mother was left scrambling to make arrangements after the sudden death of her husband. The lack of preparedness and transparency turned an already difficult time into a nightmare, fueling Terry’s determination to find a better solution.

Travis began researching the “whys” behind these scenarios. They discovered significant gaps and barriers in current estate planning services, motivating them to remedy the problem. The partners were determined to democratize estate planning, ensuring an accessible, affordable and comprehensive solution for anyone and everyone.

The trio, all University of Utah alums, knew there had to be a better way. They combined their skills and experiences as technologists, entrepreneurs and lawyers to create LVED. This modern, technological solution can help 100% of adult Americans who need to protect their financial assets and their loved ones.

Meet the Team Behind LVED

Ryan Andersen has been immersed in deep technology since a young age, programming since he was 12 and gaining experience in both hardware and software development. He describes his career as being driven by a passion for innovation, always seeking to explore new frontiers and transform markets. Ryan’s approach stems from an MIT education and a philosophy of combining theory (mind) with practical implementation (hand). “It’s about figuring out what needs to be done, getting scrappy, and just doing it. That’s how I approach both life and my career: come up with bold ideas and then dive in to make them happen.” This innovative spirit led him to get excited about LVED, seeing it as a new “seam of innovation” with vast potential. Ryan’s previous roles have included leading strategy and innovation teams at Dell, founding early-stage startups like Mobile Livery and VS Drones and working in market strategy at Deloitte, all of which have contributed to his ability to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Terry Anderton is a serial tech entrepreneur with a track record of building companies from scratch and a diverse background that includes leading global sales for the game of paintball, turning it into a $2 billion industry, and founding various successful companies such as Deck Mate Sport Court, Nitro Security (acquired by Intel), and Trunity, the first cloud-based textbook and LMS. He also created Wagz, an innovative satellite-based dog collar technology after the family dog ran away. Terry also led global sales efforts for Cabletron Systems and McAfee. Known for identifying opportunities and executing fearlessly, Terry is driven by practical problems and the potential to disrupt and simplify large, fragmented markets. “I am driven by practical problems I see in my own life; if I see an opportunity that personally impacts me and I believe impacts a large number of other people, I look for innovative ways to solve that problem, especially if it has the potential to disrupt and simplify the status quo.”

Rounding out the team is Travis Johnson. ”He’s got that brain for entrepreneurialism, and he also is an attorney, which we need in this space. He is building a solid legal team and advisors that are supporting our vision.” Ryan explains. Terry adds, “I started working with Travis in 2013 on some of my intellectual property. He and I started sharing some of our ideas and visions, and we found ourselves working on some different projects outside of the traditional role of attorney-client.”

Building LVED

The trio is on a mission to create a new kind of legacy planning company built from scratch with cutting-edge technology that would revolutionize the industry. They are building a platform that simplifies the process, makes it affordable, and injects it meaningfully. Their journey isn’t just about designing a sleek interface or building fancy algorithms; it’s about tapping into the emotions and values that drive us all.

With the support of a venture studio and strategic funding, the LVED team quickly developed an intuitive and comprehensive estate planning platform. Their solution goes beyond the traditional focus on finances and possessions, emphasizing the importance of love, memories, and the stories that define our legacy.

A standout feature of LVED is its ability to let users photograph heirlooms, assign them to heirs, and seamlessly integrate these personal touches into their estate plans. This blend of technology and legal expertise has created a polished, user-friendly app that sets a new standard for estate planning. It offers an easy and affordable way for all Americans, whether they’re new to estate planning or looking to update existing plans, to safeguard their legacy.

Looking to the future, LVED aims to be the go-to platform for comprehensive lifetime estate planning. The company plans to offer personalized guidance tailored to each user’s unique financial situation by leveraging AI technology and continuous innovation. The goal is to empower individuals to maximize their estate while ensuring legal compliance and minimizing taxes, making estate planning a more accessible and meaningful process for everyone.

Motivated by shared experiences with disastrous estate planning (or lack of planning), Ryan, Terry and Travis are bringing estate planning into the digital age. By creating a platform that allows users to store, organize, plan and share their estate plan, they enable everyone to protect their loved ones. The LVED team has created a much-needed, time-saving, money-saving, and life-changing solution that is also pretty darn cool.

And they are just getting started.

Visit LVED today and get started protecting your loved ones.


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