
Lou Reed

Coney Island Baby (RCA)

Sedona Loves Lou: L.A. indie pop artist Sedona told us about her love for Lou Reed and Millennium gems.

LouReed CIB


My favorite album? An impossible question to answer…

I’ve been listening to two albums religiously everyday for the last couple years: Begin by The Millennium (1968) and Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed (1976).

Lou’s voice, the way he speaks, how he breathes, in between words, his writing, it’s intoxicating. He confronts. He soothes. His songs are a warm hug.

The Millennium is what the inside of my mind sounds like. With both Lou and The Millennium, I can listen to their songs day or night, when I’m in or out of my mind, sober or high. They hold me in ways I don’t think I’ll ever lose.

Sedona Loves Lou: Sedona’s single “Touch & Go” is out now.









































































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