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Black Magic, White Funk

Every play is, on some level, a map of the world, a grid of common reference points. The Broadway hit Bring in ’da Noise, Bring in ’da Funk (at the Ahmanson Theater), for example, is a wildly kinetic song-and-tap-dance tour of African-American history that can’t fail to strike a familiar......

Grand Central Stalemate

Walking through sawdust-strewn aisles at downtown's Grand Central Market, Ralph Penilla Jr. stops and looks around his childhood playground. At 42, Penilla can recall countless afternoons spent playing and working alongside his father at the family-owned eatery. "I grew up in this market," he says. "It's like home. This place......
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Griddle Me This

Japan, of course, is home to the most refined food culture in the world, to fish fried so delicately that it appears less greasy than it did before it was immersed in oil, to sake that costs more per ounce than pure gold, to kaiseki meals so exquisitely calibrated to......

Lies To Get You Out of the House

The L.A. Weekly was founded in 1978, which makes this our twentieth anniversary year. In celebration, we will be looking back at the paper’s history in occasional articles. This is the first. None of this is my fault. At least not all my fault. There are plenty of others to......

Postcards from the Edge

In a culture centered paradoxically — dismally — on youth and hard work, traveling well is the real best revenge. Few words in the American language engender more enthusiasm than “Outta here!” And so we go, when we can afford both time and money, to places near and (mostly) far......

Why Do You Think They Call ’Em Hams?

Oscars, schmoscars! As usual, our invitations to all those luminary-laden Academy Awards glitter galas seem to have got lost in the mail. But we did hear about a certain actor’s Oscar Mayer Wiener moment when we dropped by Indochine, where the juicy JENNIFER TILLY hosted a rip-roaring whoop-tee-loop-tee-do to celebrate......

The Dollar Dems

If he accomplishes nothing else during his megabucks run for governor, Al Checchi has already set the standard for party-giving. Delegates to last weekend’s state Democratic Convention at the Bonaventure Hotel were plainly stunned by Checchi’s Saturday-night reception. They dutifully cruised through the desultory soirees of Checchi’s rivals, Lieutenant Governor......

Riordan’s Funny Bone

At an MTA board meeting last week, Mayor Richard Riordan, within earshot of audience members in the front row, warmed up the crowd with what might charitably be called a joke. It goes like this: Riordan has a bunch of politicos over at his house and polls them on the......
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The Pursuit of Hippiness

Robert Ashley’s music offends me, insults my intelligence, wearies my posterior. Twice in my career as ear-for-hire I have been moved to issue a resonant "boo" at a public event. Once was at a Bang on a Can marathon concert in New York three years ago, 55 minutes into an......

Riordan's Funny Bone

At an MTA board meeting last week, Mayor Richard Riordan, within earshot of audience members in the front row, warmed up the crowd with what might charitably be called a joke. It goes like this: Riordan has a bunch of politicos over at his house and polls them on the......