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Circle Of Life

It's a plot so nefarious, so deadly, you might think it the work of Natasha and Boris, but the latest scheme to kill squirrels isn't the work of cartoon villains but rather of the city of Santa Monica. City officials plan to rid Palisades Park of ground squirrels by poisoning......

School Board Fires

For nearly 30 minutes, embattled schools safety director Hamid Arabzadeh voiced the most explosive allegations heard in school-district headquarters for some time. He talked of district employees being on the take, of widespread mismanagement by district officials and of safety lapses that could well cost lives. School-board members listened intently,......
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Toner Poem

Firing up a copy machine may not inspire the atavistic awe of harnessing nature that comes from turning on a water tap, but we'd be fools to forget how essential the Xerox and its competitors are to modern existence. Nor should we forget how recent an invention the copier is......

Son of Sundance

Sure, it's great that American Movie Classics and Turner Classic Movies have restored and revived so many Hollywood classics. And no one can fault Bravo for showing interviews from the Actors Studio, or the Independent Film Channel for showing, again, Stranger Than Paradise. But the Sundance Channel is something different......
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Tramp on Your Street

Billy Joe Shaver, widely recognized as one of country music's greatest songwriters, is continually beset by a cycle of professional and personal woes that seems weirdly inevitable. The former hard-bitten outlaw brawler has seen some spectacular high tides over the course of his near-30-year career: His songs have been recorded......
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Cosmic Things

"Let your freak flag fly! Whatever you are, don't be afraid to let it come out. We support people's individualism . . . and freaky-deakyness." This proclamation comes not from Abbie Hoffman or Bill Clinton; instead, look to Kate Pierson, one-fourth of the most relentless group of revelers our millennium......


PLAYA VISTA'S CROCODILE TEARS DEAR EDITOR:Re: "Brinkmanship at Ballona Creek" [July 10-16]. Ever since the federal court handed down the order for Playa Capital to cease and desist in the destruction of the Ballona Wetlands, Playa Vista's would-be developers have been tying themselves in knots trying to explain how their......
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Sing Now, Die Later

Return to part1 At Cintas Acuario, Pedro Rivera's other son, Juan, devised a series of compilation albums with photographs of staged drug deals and drug robberies: Puros Corridos Perrones (Badass Corridos, more or less). Volume 5, with no promotion whatsoever, sold 60,000 copies in a single week last year. Juan......
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The Ballad of Chalino Sanchez

Saturday slides toward Sunday at Rodeo de Medianoche, a cavernous nightclub in Pico Rivera, as the duo Voces del Rancho sing the story of how Lamberto Quintero died. A drug smuggler in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, Quintero was killed in a 1976 shootout, and his ballad - or corrido......