Son of Sundance

Sure, it's great that American Movie Classics and Turner Classic Movies have restored and revived so many Hollywood classics. And no one can fault Bravo for showing interviews from the Actors Studio, or the Independent Film Channel for showing, again, Stranger Than Paradise. But the Sundance Channel is something different......
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Toner Poem

Firing up a copy machine may not inspire the atavistic awe of harnessing nature that comes from turning on a water tap, but we'd be fools to forget how essential the Xerox and its competitors are to modern existence. Nor should we forget how recent an invention the copier is......

School Board Fires

For nearly 30 minutes, embattled schools safety director Hamid Arabzadeh voiced the most explosive allegations heard in school-district headquarters for some time. He talked of district employees being on the take, of widespread mismanagement by district officials and of safety lapses that could well cost lives. School-board members listened intently,......

Enviros Can Kill Marsh, but not Playa Vista

Here's a good example of the law of unintended consequences. You may have read how U.S. District Judge Ronald Lew's decision earlier this month that halted grading at the future Playa Vista site actually applies only to 16.1 acres of "permitted area" - that is, an area in which no......
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Trapper's Delight

If you grew up in West Los Angeles, you probably have primal yearnings for Lawry's roast beef that you don't fully understand. If like me you hail from the south side, you may long for Poor Richard's, a '60s wonderland of Shirley Temples and chugging model trains up on Slauson......

Ebonics Flunks a Test

The L. A. Unified school district's controversial "Ebonics" curriculum for black students has fared poorly in a preliminary evaluation, according to data obtained by the Weekly. Results of the evaluation, which were initially suppressed by Ebonics proponents within the district, indicate that a sample of students actually regressed in language......

Michael Taylor's killer convicted

The story of community activist Michael Taylor's life and death - of his rise from L.A.'s Skid Row to the broadcast booth at KPFK 90.7 FM, of his ill-fated venture into micro-radio and his execution-style murder - reached some kind of closure this week. A Los Angeles Superior Court jury......

Lost Generation

JERUSALEM - When Jericho was flooded this past October, Saeb Erakat, the head of the Palestinian negotiating team and a member of the Palestinian legislature from Jericho, received no calls of concern from Israeli colleagues. His daughter, however, received 23 calls from her Israeli friends whom she had met at......
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Marx and Duchamp for Beginners

You've probably heard of the aberration referred to as "the '60s" (which actually ended sometime in the mid-'70s), when the impossible seemed imminent. Threats to dump hallucinogens in big-city reservoirs by wild-haired anarchists may have turned out to be tongue-in-cheeky scare tactics, but the secondhand smoke of a billion burning......