Producers Jack Smith and April Oliver's Rebuttal

Floyd Abrams and David Kohler's report (the "AK Report") is thin on detail, and shows a weak and superficial understanding of the facts upon which the broadcast was based. It makes unsupported propositions regarding the credibility of sources, appears to rely on third-party reporting, virtually ignores the most significant confirming......


SAVING PRIVATE RYAN DEAR EDITOR:Re: Ella Taylor's review of Saving Private Ryan ["Dark Victory," July 24-30]. It is not a "burst of schmaltzy ritual" when the old man falls to his knees at the cemetery in Normandy and asks his wife to tell him that he was a "good man."......
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Space Sparks

Vinny Golia's improvisational trio was in a small European town one time. "There was actually a chicken fluttering around. We had a gig in this old church. And I said, 'No one's gonna come here. At least it's a cool church.' But by the time we were finished setting up,......
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Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Listen to Screamin' Jay Hawkins: Real Audio Format I Put a Spell on You Orange Colored Sky Frenzy Download the RealPlayer FREE! "Screamin' Jay's the shit," proclaims Eszter Balint as she lugs a boom box blaring Screamin' Jay Hawkins' 1956 recording of "I Put a Spell on You" down a......
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Third Ear – Aug 5, 1998

Beanfield: Beanfield (Streetbeat) Munich trip-hop techno-funk electro-whatsit trio, tres cool due to their ultra-controlled thoughts about the space surrounding their oily pulses and airy, mechanical voices. Beanfield's got plump synth bass and funk-not-hip-hop drum sequences, minimal parts drawing the essence from the classics for max effect. Tossing in the electric......
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Happy Birthday, Andy

August 6 would have been Andy Warhol's 70th birthday, and while it's not that hard to imagine him at that age - he always seemed slightly senile - it's easy to forget that he's no longer around. Eleven years after his death, the silver-wigged wonder is as ubiquitous as ever......
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A Doctor Calls

Fifteen years ago Charles Marowitz staged a Los Angeles Actors Theater production of Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People in which Gerald Hiken portrayed the drama's crusading protagonist as a self-righteous prig who, in some ways, was more ignorant than the townspeople he presumed to enlighten. It made for......
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Virtual Virgins

Given a moment's thought, any reasonable 12-year-old could have figured it out. The notion that two teens would lose their virginity live on the Internet had to be a hoax. Yet media sources from Channel 11 news to Salon magazine responded to "Our First Time" as if it were either......
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Gruel World

Dim sum can be grand. Northern breakfast breads are delicious. But congee - porridge - may be as close as there is to a universal Chinese breakfast dish, rice boiled with large amounts of broth until it becomes a nutritious, loosely textured gruel, spiked with a handful of boiled peanuts......
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Four Play

Here's a new name for you: Emil Frantisek Burian, Czech composer (1904-59), imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp but survived, journalist, socialist activist and experimental stage director. A recording on ECM of Burian's Fourth Quartet, composed in 1947, marks his first appearance in the Schwann catalog: a work of exceptional......