Kundal’s Signature Scents Elevate K-Beauty Hair Care to New Heights

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Photo courtesy of Kundal

Step into a world where fragrance meets function with Kundal, Korea’s number one hair perfume shampoo brand, according to Kantar World Panel Report. Celebrated for transforming everyday hair care into an aromatic luxury, Kundal recently brought its much-anticipated Honey and Macadamia Shampoo and Treatment Duo to Costco stores across the United States on April 22, 2024. This feat cements Kundal’s status as a global leader in the beauty industry, with a presence in 61 countries worldwide.

Kundal has rapidly become a K-beauty hair care market leader thanks to its incredible focus on plant-derived ingredients and long-lasting scents since being founded in 2016. The brand’s commitment to quality and innovation has resonated with consumers, resulting in a staggering sales rate of 2.8 units per second during peak periods.

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Photo courtesy of Kundal

A Sensory Revolution in Hair Care

Kundal’s success lies in its signature scents, expertly developed by 11 in-house perfumers. With a wide range of 72 distinct fragrances, Kundal offers a sensory experience that elevates the mundane act of hair care into a luxurious ritual.

Hair care should not only nourish and protect but also delight the senses,” says Hannah Kwon, the representative of Kundal. “Our scents are designed to linger, leaving our customers feeling refreshed and confident throughout the day.

Kundal’s best-selling product, the Honey and Macadamia Nature Duo, exemplifies this philosophy. Enriched with nourishing honey and macadamia, the shampoo and treatment combo infuses a sophisticated white musk scent that adds a touch of indulgence to the hair care routine. “We carefully select each ingredient and fragrance to create effective and enjoyable products,” Kwon explains.

Kundal’s products are rigorously tested to be free of 6 Parabens Free, 4 Sulfates Free, CMIT / MIT Free, Benzophenone Free, including sulfates, which can strip the hair of essential plant-derived oils. The brand also ensures its products don’t contain harsh surfactants such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).

Instead, these foaming agents are replaced with plant-derived extracts and nourishing ingredients like argan oil, coconut oil, ginseng root, and lotus flower extract. Hair strands won’t lose their natural, healthy shine by making way for gentle cleansing and conditioning.

I have been dealing with slow, gradual hair loss as a symptom of an autoimmune thyroid disease. I had a dry scalp, some dandruff, and a lot of split ends prior to using these,” shared Stephanie S. in her review. .

Any hair masks or conditioners I’ve used would build up on my scalp, leaving it itchy and dirty-looking,” she added upon noticing that the size of her ponytail was thicker after the first few treatments. “I haven’t had one issue with oil buildup since starting this routine.

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Photo courtesy of Kundal


Soon to be a Household Name in the U.S.

Kundal’s Costco launch is crucial to the brand’s global expansion strategy. The company has set its sights on the North American market to bring its products to a wider audience since it is already armed with a strong presence in Asia and Europe.

With this launch, we want to highlight the universal appeal of our products and our commitment to delivering exceptional quality and value,” Kwon notes.

The brand’s success, however, is not without its challenges. The beauty industry is highly competitive, and consumers are increasingly discerning. For Kundal to succeed in the US and maintain its growth trajectory, it must adapt to changing consumer preferences.

Fortunately, Kundal is equipped with teams that possess a deep understanding of the U.S. market, ensuring a strong alignment with consumer expectations. The brand’s successful launch in Costco across the U.S. and its robust initial social media engagement demonstrate its competitive edge in the American market.

The K-beauty empire remains optimistic about its market potential in North America and the rest of the world. “We have always been driven by a passion for creating products that make a difference in people’s lives,” Kwon reflects. “As we expand into new markets, we plan to stay true to our core values while making our customers happy.”

Kundal is poised to make a lasting impact on the global beauty industry. As the brand continues to grow and evolve, it is clear that its signature scents and commitment to quality will remain at the forefront, delighting customers and setting new standards for K-beauty hair care.

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Photo courtesy of Kundal

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