In a heartwarming display of generosity and community spirit, fashion tastemaker and content creator Jared Muros, alongside 7450 (Eli Hayman), put on an unforgettable charity event that combined style with compassion. The event, held at 7450 Melrose Ave., saw an impressive turnout of approximately 800 attendees throughout the day.

The focus of this wonderful gathering was a toy drive that surpassed all expectations, collecting over 1000 toys. The charitable initiative extended its reach to prominent institutions such as Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), Cedar Sinai, CHOC, and local school districts like East Whittier City School District, where Jared himself attended school.

Jared Muros, a well-known figure in the LA fashion scene, collaborated with corporate giants like Adidas, Nesquik, and Power 106 to make this event possible. Alongside these sponsors, over 50 streetwear brands joined forces, showcasing not only their dedication to fashion but also their commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

The venue, 7450 Melrose Ave., served as the perfect backdrop for this charitable affair. Attendees were greeted by a striking decor featuring a photo-worthy toy box, capturing the essence of the event’s purpose. A designated photo spot encouraged everyone to flaunt their contributions, creating a visual celebration of giving back.

The spirit of giving didn’t end with toys. Over 1000 pieces of clothing were donated to those who brought toys, creating a unique exchange where attendees left not only with joy in their hearts but also with new clothing. Local kids and families, most of whom brought toys, were recipients of this goodwill gesture.

Jared Muros shared his inspiration behind the event, stating, “As a kid, I would take a 2-hour bus ride to Melrose regularly to attend pop-ups and immerse myself in the culture. Bringing kids together to receive free clothes, meet the owners of elite Los Angeles brands, and ensuring those in need have a blessed Christmas means a lot to me. This event perfectly embodies the holiday spirit.”

With media presence from outlets like LA Weekly, Our Generation Music, West Coast Cure, and more, the event was full of local influence. Power 106 also provided the musical backdrop, ensuring a lively atmosphere throughout the event.

Jared’s vision and dedication, combined with the support of 7450, corporate sponsors, and the local community, turned a simple toy drive into a transformative experience, leaving a lasting impression on the hearts of all who attended. This charity event not only celebrated fashion and streetwear but, more importantly, showcased the boundless capacity for kindness within the vibrant tapestry of Los Angeles.


leutz charity Saul Sosa

(Saul Sosa)

leutz charity Saul Sosa photo of Yahir of Box Boys

(Saul Sosa)


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