Isaac Dunbar’s new EP, Beep Beep Repeat, features Kerri Colby and celebrates his life-changing experiences in New York City. The singles “Apartment A” and “I Love to Dance” highlight his journey of freedom and rule-breaking. Dunbar recently took the stage at The Echo in LA and NYC’s Elsewhere, and brought the EP’s spirit to life with themed dress codes and high-energy performances. These shows transformed small venues into crazy parties, and Dunbar brings a dynamism reminiscent of Freddie Mercury.

In an interview with PAPER Magazine, Colby describes their first meeting as “divine intervention” and highlights the importance of authenticity in their work. Dunbar reflects on the impact of New York City on his life and artistic growth. They also share anecdotes about their wild party experiences and performance preparations. Colby emphasizes the need for a ritualistic approach to beauty, while Dunbar values hands-on involvement in his creative process.

Read the story at PAPER Magazine

Photography: The Cobra Snake

Isaac Dunbar 02

(The Cobra Snake — as seen in PAPER Magazine)

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