Nikki Finke

Twilight Freaks and Star Trek Geeks, Handcuffs and Honchos

Entering the Twilight Zone They were squatting in Westwood outside Mann’s Village theater starting on November 16 to stake out curbside views of the red-carpet arrivals for the Twilight movie premiere the next day. First about 25 people showed, and then 50, mostly female, and growing in size until the......

Heading into the Holidays

The holiday movie season officially opened big on November 7 with North American box-office grosses up 29 percent over last year. Moviegoers once again had a huge appetite for Hollywood animation, even when it’s a sequel that broke absolutely no new ground with respect to the genre. So DreamWorks Animation’s......

Questions Still Surround Oliver Stone's W.

RICHARD DREYFUSS, WHO CHEWED up the scenery as Dick Cheney, branded Oliver Stone a “fascist” and likened making W. to “working for Sean Hannity.” An Arkansas TV-news reporter who did a blink-and-you-missed-it portrayal of Ann Coulter in the film was found beaten and stabbed after an apparent home invasion, setting......

Wall Street Crisis Begins to Hurt Media Moguls

Let me see ... first, there were the Nazis. Then the Russians. Then the oil sheiks. Then the international Trilateral Commission bankers. Then the European terrorists. Then the Japanese industrialists. Then the Hong Kong Chinese tongs. Then the Red Chinese. Then the media moguls. Then the Middle East terrorists. Now......

Obama Buddy Is Union Buster

TYLER PERRY IS PROVING TO BE a big embarrassment to the Obama campaign. And not over his execrable TV shows and motion pictures which perpetuate racial stereotypes. Instead, it’s because the writer/actor/director/producer/author/playwright is one of the Democratic presidential candidate’s staunchest supporters, prized campaigners and film biographers, and a union buster......

The Saga Behind Harvey Weinstein, Scott Rudin and The Reader

THERE’S ALWAYS A LOT TO SAY about Harvey Weinstein, one of the most successful yet psycho movie producers of modern times. But the true measure of any man is not how he performs when he’s on top, but how he handles himself when he’s on the way down. Harvey was......

Sony Starts Another Spidey, N.Y. Times Unravels Convergence

Exclusive Spider-Man 4 Details It’s time to end once and for all the rampant speculation. Sony doesn’t want any info to leak, but I’m told that both star Tobey Maguire and director Sam Raimi will be returning to make Zodiac screenwriter James Vanderbilt’s script of Spider-Man 4. Sony has recently......

Up Next: Major Messy NBC Shakeup

HERE’S A NETWORK SCENARIO Tina Fey probably won’t work into 30 Rock. After weeks of checking out rumor after rumor, I’ve finally pinned down details of the long-overdue shakeup that’s ahead for NBC when this fall’s prime-time schedule shapes up to be an unmitigated disaster. Someone has to shoulder the......