Michael Nordine

Tale of Tales

10 Movies You Shouldn't Miss at AFI Fest

Christmas comes early for cinephiles in Los Angeles, in the form of AFI Fest. L.A.'s preeminent movie festival got a boost last year with the surprise world premieres of Selma and American Sniper, both of which went on to dominate the year-end discussion and create a wave of momentum that......
Paul Korver (left) and Dennis Bartok (right) of Cinelicious Pics

Best Indie Film Distributor

Most distributors of world-class foreign and independent cinema are based in New York. For the last year, Cinelicious Pics has been quietly balancing the art-house equation in L.A.'s favor. That feat is all the more impressive considering it's headquartered in the middle of a company town that isn't always as......
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Best Multiplex

Arthouses and repertory theaters can be forgiven a degree of shabby-chicness, but we should be able to see our mass-market fare in as nice a setting as possible. AMC Marina Marketplace 6 doesn't fill that role through any gimmick. It is, quite simply, a nice, exceedingly normal theater in a......
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Best Place to See Movies Outdoors

Electric Dusk Drive-In isn't quite the last of a dying breed, but it is an endangered species. The number of drive-ins has dwindled in recent decades, so it's lucky for us that we still have a great one in the center of Los Angeles. An arresting view of the downtown......
Credit: Al Pavangkanan /flickr

Best Indie Wrestling

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla is the hottest entity in choreographed grappling, not to mention a breeding ground for future WWE main-eventers. (Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins are but a few of the current superstars who cut their teeth in the Valley.) No other promotion in the country has......
Greta Gerwig and Lola Kirke in Noah Baumbach's Mistress America; Credit: Fox Searchlight

Why Sundance's Next Fest Is the Future of Film Festivals

Next Fest isn’t like most other film festivals, so much so that calling it one almost feels misleading. This is a good thing. The Sundance-hosted festivities are an increasingly multimedia affair in which moving images are only part of the draw — a model for like-minded entities to follow. (It's......
Kitana Kiki Rodriguez

Hey Hollywood, Let's Stop Using Terms Like "Non-Actors." They're Actors Now

Dictionary.com defines the word "actor" it as “a person who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc.” Articles about movies starring a debuting performer tend to complicate that definition. There are nonprofessionals, amateurs and, in the case of something like the just-released Tangerine, even non-actors. Tangerine is the......
Band of Robbers

L.A. Film Fest 2015: The Basics

What is the Los Angeles Film Festival? Nine days of cinematic bliss, running June 10 to 18. Film Independent is the producing organization, and the fest is now in its 21st year. Where is it held? Regal Cinemas' L.A. Live downtown hosts the lion's share of screenings. Others are scattered......