Jennifer Swann

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Hot Dish Brunch Party

Attracting a crowd for a literary event can be tough, but Hot Dish founders Summer Block Kumar and J. Ryan Stradal have found a way to make readings more appetizing: Provide homemade brunch and mimosas. Hot Dish is a curated food event (past events have been themed around desserts and......
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The Way We Were

UCLA and USC might be cross-town rivals, but if there's one thing the two universities can work together for, it's the preservation and projection of rare 16mm films about Los Angeles' cultural history. This Saturday at DIY cinema space Echo Park Film Center, UCLA's Dr. Allyson Nadia Field, assistant professor......
Credit: Snoopify screencap

Snoopify Is a Disaster That's Only Getting Worse

Since launching in May, Snoop Dogg's Snoopify app has transformed millions of otherwise boring Instagram photos into virtual g-thangs, with the help of digital "stickers": blunts, cash money and chicken n' waffles. According to a recent press release from its promoters, it boasts three million downloads and averages 100,000 user-posted......
1250 Broadway

Photographer John Humble Is Obsessed With Pico Boulevard

L.A. artists have long been fascinated with the city's iconic boulevards and colossal freeways. Ed Ruscha's 1966 book of photos, "Every Building on the Sunset Strip," documented just that. Catherine Opie's mid-90s photo series "Freeways" commented on how the massive concrete structures divide communities and separate cities from suburbs. L.A. Times architecture......