Gwynedd Stuart

A recent Cinespia screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show at Hollywood Forever Cemetery; Credit: Star Foreman

A Guide to L.A.'s 2017 Outdoor Movie Screenings

There are few things better than watching a movie under the stars in Los Angeles. OK, maybe an all-you-can-eat taco bar under the stars is better, but barely. From an iconic cemetery to a rooftop in the heart of the entertainment capitol of the world, L.A.'s spring and......
Trump is the first U.S. president since the NEA was created to suggest eliminating those funds.; Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Trump Wants to Eliminate the NEA. Here’s What That Means for L.A.

Earlier this year, when it was preliminarily reported that Donald Trump planned to eliminate funding for the National Endowment of the Arts, an internet meme surfaced featuring Winston Churchill. According to the meme, when confronted with the prospect of defunding the arts during WWII, the British prime minister wondered aloud,......
Credit: Gwynedd Stuart

You Need to Go See the Wildflowers in Griffith Park

Thanks to a wet winter, Griffith Park is in a state of uncommon beauty. Besides being more verdant than usual, shocks of orange, yellow and purple wildflowers scale the park's hills resulting in blinding bursts of color. But it helps to know where and when to look. On Sunday morning......