David Zahniser

Antonio's Long Ride

WHEN MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA grabbed an oversize American flag and waved it exuberantly at the thousands of immigrants who completed their march down Wilshire Boulevard, it looked like the most spontaneous of acts. With the nation’s lawmakers scapegoating illegal immigrants for months, Villaraigosa suddenly offered the nation a stunning visual......

Dreamin' on Grand Avenue

LOS ANGELES COUNTY GOVERNMENT, no stranger to the concept of the looming financial crisis, has had a decent couple of years. The booming real estate market has left the county practically swimming in property-tax revenue, allowing it to hire hundreds of nurses and reduce overcrowding in its jails. But the......
Photo by Gregory Bojorquez

Mr. Big Ideas

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa doesn’t do modest. When it comes to public transit, he’s ambitious, pursuing a $5 billion subway to the sea. When it comes to L.A. Unified, he’s unyielding, promising to take 750 public schools by storm, whether teachers like it or not. And when it comes to the......

Master of Budgets

IF MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA finds a way to hire 1,000 new cops, plant 1 million new trees or expand after-school programs, he will very likely have Karen Sisson to thank. Sisson is — for lack of a more accurate title — Villaraigosa’s budget czar, the one making sense of the......

Blight Fighter

WHEN THE L.A. CITY COUNCIL wanted to keep Wal-Mart from driving small businesses out of low-income neighborhoods, it turned to Cecilia Estolano, an experienced attorney who wrote a law requiring such big-box “superstores” to prove that they won’t have a blighting impact before they open in Los Angeles. Now, the......

The Friendly Pulpit

IN A CITY WHERE SO MANY NEIGHBORHOODS and ethnic groups turn inward, the Rev. Aaron D. Iverson has devoted his life to reaching out. The 59-year-old minister, who runs the Paradise Baptist Church in South Los Angeles, hosted the first black-history celebration of the Museum of Tolerance. He traveled with......
Photo by Kevin Scanlon

The River Guide

Visual artist Joe Linton has a rather formal job title — director of outreach for Friends of the Los Angeles River, the group pushing for a revitalization of the city’s nearly dormant waterway. But informally, Linton jokes that he is more like the minister of access, the guy who helps......

Antonio Accelerated

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s plan for seizing control of L.A. Unified came into sharper focus last week, with the mayor mapping out his strategy for hiring the superintendent and radically reducing the responsibilities of the seven-member school board. The plan, unveiled with great fanfare at Villaraigosa’s annual State of the City......

The Battle for L.A. Unified

NOTHING MAKES A POLITICAL OPERATIVE ?in Los Angeles wince quite like U2, the arena rock band whose music is used shamelessly for Election Night parties and campaign rallies. With Randy Newman’s “I Love L.A.” finally exhausted as a campaign soundtrack, politicians gravitate to the easy-access optimism of “Beautiful Day” and......

Theories of Devolution

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is weighing whether to pursue a dramatic devolution of power at L.A. Unified, giving local schools a much greater say over classroom spending but also carving up the district into dozens of smaller sub-districts — a concept that immediately drew howls of protest from the teachers union......