April Wolfe

Credit: Courtesy of A24

Craig Robinson at Last Gets to Show His Range in Morris From America

In contemporary film, it’s typical for an African-American character to be the sole person of color in the story, his or her only reason for existence to reveal hidden racism or to make white people uncomfortable with themselves. Black characters rarely get to talk to other black characters. Last year,......
Ann Friedman

When the Hosts of Call Your Girlfriend Talk About Periods, People Listen

Real-life gal pals Ann Friedman, Aminatou Sow and Gina Delvac weren’t the first women to pioneer the pop-culture podcast space, but they’re certainly among the few to make menstruation a public, glorious and free-flowing conversation. “I always get excited when we do This Week In Menstruation,” Sow says. “There’s something......
The 35mm Movie Club screens Goodfellas on Aug. 13.; Credit: Warner Bros.

Want to Watch Classics on 35mm? Join the Club.

Craig Hammill’s just a boy with a few rolls of film, standing in front of a theater, asking you to love his favorite movies. A USC film school grad, Hammill’s a movie buff who’s started the arduous journey of making his first feature on 35mm. His love for the format......
Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood in Into the Forest; Credit: Courtesy of Elevation Pictures

Is Patricia Rozema on Her Way to Becoming an Auteur?

Patricia Rozema is what you might call a “working director.” Her first credit was Second Assistant Director on three episodes of the acclaimed children’s series, Sharon, Lois & Bram’s Elephant Show in 1984, and since then she’s written, directed and produced art-house shorts, film-industry docs, a music-and-dance film (Yo-Yo Ma......