On Weezer, the Numa Numa dance, and Internet Fame
Weezer reminds us of all the internet fads we tried so hard to forget. ALSO, my exit, screen left.
...Weezer reminds us of all the internet fads we tried so hard to forget. ALSO, my exit, screen left.
...RIYL, Bruce Springsteen, Scarlett Johansson, Obama, Portland based indie rock bands, catch phrases from feature films and television commercials.
...CDs are kind of fucked, but so are radical new models of music consumption. The key to selling music is still not about convenience, price, or practicality. It is about obsession and possession and most of all object fetish.
...This post RIYL: Damien Hirst, Amerindie record labels, Animal Collective, Dirty Projectors, Islington's Union Chapel, pretentious statements about life.
...Sandow: "So why am I telling this story? To introduce my thought that art and the arts aren't the same thing." ALSO, some kid in a diaper covering The Beatles.
...Seriously, I don't understand. It's not like he was publishing fake stories about how P. Diddy offed Tupac.
...Go clickity-click at EastVillageRadio.com if you want to listen in, okay?
...On record cover design: "But you don't get much work to do when you're young, because you haven't learned how to do it yet... You're given simple, disposable things to design for other young people."
...A modest proposal to sully Diddy's Hollywood Star.
...Los Angeles's own Sa-Ra create a rallying cry for Obama. Plus, a bunch of other crap this video brought to mind. Super random, super fun.