
Groovy LUMI: Seattle-based Finnish House and Techno starlet LUMI originally tried DJing in 2019 and played with the idea for a few years, before the pandemic put everything on pause.

“I was living in Finland at the time,” she says. “I started really DJing consistently and producing around the same time in 2021 and then things got more serious in 2022 when I realized how much I love performing. It was a high I had never felt before, as cliche as it sounds. Defeating myself and my nerves was the prize at the end of the night and all I wanted was more of that feeling. But going back to when I started producing my own tracks, 2021 is when I started learning production and taking courses online. I was lucky enough to be able to do online academies that taught me the production tools I still use and build upon today.”

Today, LUMI describes her sound as groovy, ethereal, and psychedelic.

“I love a little weirdness and possibly some chaos thrown into the mix, keeps myself and the listeners on their toes,” she says. “If I can make the low end fat and groovy, I’m usually pretty happy with it.”

LUMI’s latest release is “Look the Other Way,” her debut for Octopus Recordings.

“It was produced at the tail end of the pandemic, when things had already changed in so many ways but we were all really figuring out how to co-exist in this new world almost,” she says. “That was when I started exploring more of the concepts of healing, introspection, and waking up to really figuring out the next steps in my life’s purpose. I knew I was going to be making drastic changes in my life around then and that things would never be the same as they were before. I wanted something drastic and I was willing to do the hard work to get there.”

The artist believes that this is an interesting time for electronic music.

“It seems like a lot of artists are making records to try to fit in vs. to stand out,” LUMI says. “I think this is because artists see a certain sound being successful and wanting to hop on that train as well rather than just sticking to what they genuinely like and fuck with. I think it’s easy to get carried away with the currents that come and go and sweep through the industry and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it to a certain extent, as long as it comes from an authentic place, but because of this we’re hearing a lot of the same sound and very little diversity at this point. I’de love to hear something weird, different and new in 2024 that makes me just sit there in awe. I’m curious to see what direction things go in 2024 and if this trend continues or if we start bringing more unique sounds to the forefront for more of the masses to hear.”

“I am however, also seeing some shifts in the diversity of lineups for festivals etc. but honestly, not enough, I think we really need to start changing things up and bringing more unique up and coming artists, female, queer, non-binary etc. to have a seat at the table,” she adds. “I think inadvertently this will also shake up the sound and bring in something different, these people deserve to be heard too and I’de love to be apart of making it happen!”

Looking ahead, LUMI has much planned for 2024.

“Currently I have planned three EP releases total on three different record labels that span until the month of April,” she says. “Aside from that I’m going to continue making more interesting styles of music and keep pushing my limits on what I’m capable of when it comes to my current sound and exploring the outskirts of it to mesh with other similar genres. I’m also continuing to push my vocal range and experimenting with different styles of vocals as well. When it comes to shows I have a headline show planned here in Seattle at Kremwerk for the second week of January so we’re coming in hot for the new year.”

Groovy LUMI: LUMI’s “Look the Other Way” is out now.










































































































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