Epithalon Peptide and Skin Cells

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Synthetic forms of the pineal gland polypeptide Epithalamin include Epitalon, Epithalone, and Epithalon. Russian scientist Vladimir Khavinson speculated that it may positively impact telomerase production. Telomerase is an enzyme that aids in the replication of DNA and the regeneration of cells.

Studies suggest that through evaluation of the peptide in murine models, hypotheses suggest that via the direct potential action of the peptide, melatonin levels may be controlled, the anterior pituitary function may be stabilized, the hypothalamus may be more sensitive, and metabolism may be regulated by Epitalon.

Research indicates that Epitalon may have substantial impact upon the organism on a cellular level; in rat models, it has been speculated by researchers to increase rat longevity by 25% via increased brain activity and decreased tumor growth. Additionally, it has been hypothesized to potentially control cortisol production, safeguard the reproductive system, and maintain retinal structure.

Investigations purport that Epitalon may be relevant in various avenues of research, including improving retinal cell activity in retinitis pigmentosa and repairing and maintaining the extracellular matrix that maintains the skin barrier. It’s also suggested to regulate sleep cycles and patterns through impact upon the organism’s circadian rhythm.

Findings imply that Epitalon may be relevant for further study in the context of cancer because it may potentially reduce cancer cell proliferation and development. Animal studies have postulated that the “anti-aging” peptide Epithalon may potentially delay the onset of age-related disorders and extend lifespan through impact upon telomeres. Namely, researchers suggest that the peptide may act to lengthen telomeres; telomere shortening is associated with various age-related disorders, such as cardiovascular disease. An increase in telomere length may mitigate the onset and pathology of such ailments.

Epithalon Peptide: What is it?

The pineal gland produces the polypeptide epithalamin, which, in its synthetic form is called Epitalon, Epithalone, or Epithalon. A Russian professor, Vladimir Khavinson, is credited with the discovery of the Epitalon peptide. For the next 35 years, he conducted studies on Epithalon-related topics in mouse models.

Findings imply that Epitalon’s primary function may be increasing the organism’s natural synthesis of telomerase. The natural enzyme telomerase is suggested to allow cells to replicate telomeres, which are protective segments of DNA. Thus, DNA replication is stimulated, allowing the organism to produce new cells and repair damaged ones. Telomerase production is  believed to be higher in under-developed and mature mice, than aged models. Their longer telomeres may also benefit cell cycles and replication. Cell replication is believed to decline due to a drop in telomerase synthesis, as observed in aged mice.

Epithalon Peptide: Mechanism of Action

An epitalon is a small protein that has been suggested to promote the synthesis of telomerase. Animal studies suggested that through peptide supplementation, they may control metabolic rate, hypothalamic sensitivity, anterior pituitary function, and melatonin levels within the animals.

The distinctive composition of Epithalon peptide-containing organisms is dictated by double-stranded DNA inside the cell nucleus. Those DNA strands have telomeres at their ends. They ensure that the genetic information is not lost due to chromosomal shortening, which occurs with every cell division. The replication process is interrupted every time a cell divides, which may cause the telomeres to shorten. Telomeres are believed to shrink in proportion to the frequency of this occurrence.

Multiple studies have postulated a correlation between this shortening and many age-related illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and early death in mice.

Epithalon Peptide Research

Numerous animal and mouse studies have suggested that synthetically developed Epitalon may be chemically similar to what the organism produces as “epithalamine”. It has been hypothesized to reset cellular biological clocks, allowing cells to repair damaged tissues and return to standard organ performance.

Russian researchers have made many recent speculations about Epithalon. They have suggested, for example, that it may stimulate cells to produce telomerase when the activity has previously been dormant. They also hypothesize it may potentially revitalize the organism and improve physiological functions in assorted ways.

Epithalon Peptide Potential

Numerous scientific studies have suggested the many potential actions of Epithalon. Animal studies have indicated the following actions of the Epithalon peptide:

  • It may potetially maximize the amount of time that mice live.
  • It may protect animals from developing age-related disorders like cancer, heart disease, and dementia.
  • It may regulate cell cycles.
  • It may potentially reduce cell stress in musclular tissue
  • It may delay the aging process in cells
  • It may potentially reduce the production of reactive oxygen species and lipid oxidation.
  • It may potentially reduce melatonin secretion in mice

Epithalon Peptide and Cell Aging

According to a 1992 article titled “The neuroendocrine theory of aging and degenerative disease,” co-authored by Professor Vladimir Dilmice and Dr. Ward Dean, the biopeptide Epitalon may add 25% more years to the lifespans of the rat models. Multiple follow-up investigations led by St. Petersburg Institute of Bio-regulation President Professor Vladimir Khavinson corroborated these results.

These scientists theorized that Epitalon’s potential to form peptide connections between many amino acids may be responsible for its ability to extend its lifetime. In addition to lowering tumor development, this may potentially increase brain activity.

According to Khavinson’s study, which followed 15 years of clinical monitoring, biopeptides seem to considerably enhance physiological function and reduce lab-animal mortality by almost 50%. Additionally, he suggested that interactions between Epithalon biopeptides and DNA might regulate genetic activities, leading to a successful extension of life expectancy.

It has been postulated that Epitalon may potentially have extended the lifespan of mice compared to control mice when exposing these animals beginning at three months of age and continuing until death. The research models’ bone marrow cells appeared to have had a decreased prevalence of chromosomal aberrations after receiving the Epithalon peptide. Mice presented with Epitalon did not appear to develop leukemia. In sum, the study’s findings provide strong speculation that this peptide may have a potential anti-aging impact on the cells cycles.

The following impacts have also been theorized in many animal experiments while investigating Epithalon:

  • Possible cortisol secretion rhythm stabilization in aged monkeys by melatonin and cortisol synthesis regulation.
  • Rats’ reproductive systems appeared protected, and impaired conditions seemed remedied.
  • In retinitis pigmentosa, the retinal structure may have been preserved.
  • A possible decrease in the growth of colon tumors in mice.

Epithalon Peptide and Skin Cells

Animal studies have purported that Epitalon may potentially slow aging within the cells and may thereby impact skin cells in the epidermal barrier. According to Dr. Khavinson’s research, epithalons may stimulate the cells in charge of repairing and maintaining the extracellular matrix. The two protein superpowers, collagen, and elastin, are in the extracellular matrix, and are considered to contribute to the skin’s flexibility and hydrative capacity.

Research indicates that Epithalon may potentially penetrate the skin barrier. Epithalon is hypothesized to enter cells directly and stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of fibroblasts, which are considered responsible for producing collagen and other connective tissues. Because of this, the skin barrier is believed to regenerate at its best.

The potetial anti-aging action of Epithalon peptide is theorized to extend beyond these initial hypotheses. In addition to protecting the skin barrier against various impacts, it may also potentially help prevent infections.

Scientists interested in high-quality, affordable Epithalon are encouraged to visit this website.


[i] Anisimov, Vladimir N., and Vladimir Kh. Khavinson. “Peptide Bioregulation of Aging: Results and Prospects.” Biogerontology 11, no. 2 (October 15, 2009): 139–149. doi:10.1007/s10522-009-9249-8.

[ii] Frolov, D. S., D. A. Sibarov, and A. B. Vol’nova. “Altered Spontaneous Electric Activity Detected in Rat Motor Neocortex after Intranasal Epitalon Infusions.” PsycEXTRA Dataset (2004). doi:10.1037/e516032012-081.

[iii] Khavinson, V., Diomede, F., Mironova, E., Linkova, N., Trofimova, S., Trubiani, O., … Sinjari, B. (2020). AEDG Peptide (Epitalon) Stimulates Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis during Neurogenesis: Possible Epigenetic Mechanism. Molecules, 25(3), 609. doi:10.3390/molecules25030609

[iv] Chalisova, N. I., N. S. Linkova, A. N. Zhekalov, A. O. Orlova, G. A. Ryzhak, and V. Kh. Khavinson. “Short Peptides Stimulate Cell Regeneration in Skin During Aging.” Advances in Gerontology 5, no. 3 (July 2015): 176–179.doi:10.1134/s2079057015030054.

[v] Korkushko, O. V., V. Kh. Khavinson, V. B. Shatilo, and L. V. Magdich. “Effect of Peptide Preparation Epithalamin on Circadian Rhythm of Epiphyseal Melatonin-Producing Function in Elderly People.” Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 137, no. 4 (April 2004): 389–391. doi:10.1023/b:bebm.0000035139.31138.bf.

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