
Black Flag Revisits My War: Greg Ginn is the only current member of Black Flag who was in any of the classic lineups, but current singer Mike Vallely is determined to do the band’s legacy proud. We spoke to Vallely at in 2019, and he told us that a great mix of people are coming to see Black Flag nowadays. “There are old school punker types that are just excited that the band is playing again. A few bucket list type people. A lot of skateboarders come out, first because the music intersects with skateboarding, but then a lot of skater types come to support me,” he said. The show at the Observatory in September was unexpectedly excellent, so expect more of the same here.

Back then, Vallely said, “Our setlist, we don’t really change it. But the show is different from night to night because where we go musically is always different. The solos and jams are never the same. But we have a certain amount of songs that we rehearsed hard. Changing the setlist from night to night doesn’t make a lot of sense right now. Probably in the future.”

That said, this time they’re playing two sets — My War start to finish, and a “greatest hits” set.

Black Flag Revisits My War: The event takes place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, January 13 at the Regent.





































































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