Ayvos’ Holocrow: Eray Hangül’s Brainchild Redefining Camera Data Analytics

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Eray Hangül’s journey from an engineer to the founder and CEO of Ayvos showcases his passion for solving real-world problems through innovative technology. His academic background in computer graphics and game engine development gave him a solid foundation in complex algorithms and software development.

However, a pivotal moment during his university years when Eray noticed the widespread use of cameras in various locations sparked his entrepreneurial journey. Recognizing the untapped potential of camera data to generate valuable insights, Eray founded Ayvos in 2015, initially focusing on surveillance solutions.

Ayvos offers cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds. At the heart of Ayvos’ offerings lies its flagship platform, Holocrow, which completely transforms how businesses leverage camera data for actionable insights. Holocrow represents more than just AI-based software; it embodies a holistic approach to problem-solving driven by a team of passionate individuals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation.

Driven by a problem-solving mindset, Eray continuously sought to refine and expand Ayvos’ focus, leading the company through several pivots to adapt to evolving market demands and technological advancements. Throughout this journey, Eray remained dedicated to the core mission of Ayvos: providing end-to-end solutions using advanced technology, such as computer vision and AI, to address real-world challenges across different industries.

Eray’s shift in vision towards deep learning solutions as the core approach for Ayvos’ problem-solving stemmed from a pivotal moment early in the company’s history. Initially focused on detecting and tracking motions in standard-definition video, Eray encountered challenges with false alerts due to various factors, like lighting conditions.

The turning point came when Eray realized the need to shift from motion detection to object detection to address the issue more effectively. Delving into research, Eray discovered the potential of deep learning algorithms in training systems to recognize and detect objects. He vividly recalls his first experience with deep learning, where he attempted to detect objects using a horse and cowboy image. Despite working on a laptop without a graphics processing unit (GPU), the system produced accurate results within 23 seconds, showcasing the power of deep learning. Inspired by this discovery, Eray envisioned a solution that could automatically capture photographs and apply object detection.

With over a billion cameras deployed worldwide for various purposes, Eray recognized the immense potential of harnessing this wealth of visual data. Holocrow is the conduit through which businesses can seamlessly connect their existing camera infrastructure to Ayvos’ advanced AI services. This integration empowers organizations across sectors such as retail, surveillance, operational excellence, and safety to unlock valuable insights in real time, thereby enhancing efficiency, security, and profitability.

What sets Holocrow apart is its end-to-end click-through usability. It provides users with a streamlined experience, from defining locations to receiving actionable insights in minutes. By automating tasks that were once manual and time-consuming, Holocrow enables businesses to focus their resources on strategic decision-making rather than routine operations.

Eray’s team at Ayvos, affectionately referred to as “Holocrowians,” embodies his engineering philosophy and shared passion for problem-solving. Despite their young age—team members range from 24 to 35—they demonstrate remarkable skill and dedication. Eray has personally invested in their growth, providing training and support through courses and mentorship. What sets the team apart is their genuine enthusiasm for tackling real-world challenges head-on.

As Ayvos moves into the future, Eray remains steadfast in his belief that the company’s success lies in its ability to forge strong relationships and deliver value to its customers. Through Eray’s leadership and the team’s collective efforts, Ayvos is well-equipped to realize its long-term vision of driving positive change through technology. To learn more, visit ayvos.com or holocrow.com.

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