Susan Faludi

Ghetto Star

Photo by Cynthia WigginsIN A CULTURE OF ORNAMENT, MANHOOD IS DEFINED BY appearance, by youth and attractiveness, by money and aggression, by posture and swagger and "props," by the curled lip and petulant sulk and flexed biceps, by the glamour of the cover boy, and by the market-bartered "individuality" that......

Ghetto Star

IN A CULTURE OF ORNAMENT, MANHOOD IS DEFINED BY appearance, by youth and attractiveness, by money and aggression, by posture and swagger and "props," by the curled lip and petulant sulk and flexed biceps, by the glamour of the cover boy, and by the market-bartered "individuality" that sets one astronaut......

All the President's Flings

Already the story of Bill Clinton's alleged "sex scandal" has been framed as a clear-cut case of the sex war, with wronged women who aren't gonna suffer in silence on one side, and on the other, heartless male scoundrels who are doing their best to clap their slimy hands over......