Patrick Range McDonald

Credit: Patrick Range McDonald

Is It Time To Ditch L.A. Pride?

See also "Is L.A. Gay Pride an Outdated, Adolescent Mess?" Insiders within Christopher Street West (CSW), the organization that produces an increasingly lame L.A. Pride event in West Hollywood, are considering a move to downtown Los Angeles, according to a recent WeHoVille article by Matthew Mullins. But those gay power......
Don't be that guy

Beware, Mayor Eric Garcetti, of the Seven Deadly Sins

Decades ago deemed one of the most sinful cities in the United States, with the mob corrupting the film industry, the cops corrupting the mayor and the lust for water controlling everything else, L.A. is still a place of temptations where the well-meaning can succumb along with the craven. We......
Poster made famous by ACT-UP in 1980s: But today's silence within gay community is killing us.

Attention Gay Men: Our Choices Are Killing Us

See also: "Is L.A. Gay Pride an Outdated, Adolescent Mess?" Alan Turing was the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. Harry Hay spearheaded a movement that brought greater acceptance, visibility and equality for millions of queer folks around the world. Simon Nkoli tirelessly fought, and helped defeat, apartheid in......