Patrick Range McDonald

Credit: Ted Soqui

West Hollywood Ready To Marry Gay Couples

See also: "In West Hollywood, Thousands of Queer Americans Celebrate a Stone-Cold Truth." Never a city to be outdone when it comes to all things gay, West Hollywood officials will legally marry gay couples today, starting at 1 p.m. And nearly everything will be free! Like many municipalities, West Hollywood......
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Queer Folks More Likely To Be Poor, Except in California

Think queer folks have fat bank accounts and all kinds of disposable cash? Think again. Throughout the country, according to UCLA's gay think tank, the Williams Institute, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are more likely to be poor than straight people. California's gay residents, though, are less likely to be living......

Chief Beck's Hit-and-Run Crisis

When Alex Thompson, bicycling advocate and founder of, read LAPD Chief Charlie Beck's response last week to a citywide hit-and-run epidemic that LAPD had never acknowledged, Thompson was stunned to find what he saw as pages of spin. "The whole report is framed defensively," Thompson says, "and that undermines......