Michelle Orange

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Hell and Back Again Review

Director Danfung Dennis's Hell And Back Again seeks to document the personal experience of war with extreme and sustained intimacy. The nightmare-vivid combat footage Dennis shot over the so-called "Summer of Decision" in 2009, while he was embedded with a Marine battalion behind enemy lines in southern Afghanistan, is only......
Orgy time

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy Review

A group of 30-somethings trapped in the amber of their high school years attempt to bone their way into adulthood in A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, an ensemble sex comedy. Technically the orgy of the title is conceived as the culmination of 15 years of theme parties thrown by Eric......
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Griff the Invisible Review

An Australian misfits-in-love story manufactured from whole quirk, Griff the Invisible is more mannerism than movie. Griff (True Blood's Ryan Kwanten) is a Sydney office drone with the permanent expression of someone who has just been firmly gripped by the junk. His older brother Tim (Patrick Brammall) has moved to town to......

Good Neighbors Review

Set in the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighborhood of Montreal during Quebec's 1995 secession referendum,Good Neighbors uses a dark historic moment as the backdrop for a much darker twist on traditional noir. Gothy waitress Louise (Emily Hampshire) and wheelchair-bound widower Spencer (Scott Speedman) are part of the young, English-speaking influx that has changed the......

The Bang Bang Club

THE BANG BANG CLUB “Yes, I think we all used her,” Eve Arnold once said of Marilyn Monroe. “I think as a photographer, one has to accept the fact that one does invade other people’s privacy.” If photographing a movie star poses an ethical dilemma, what questions are raised by......

Henry's Crime

HENRY’S CRIME A low-blood-sugar heist movie set in the tumbleweed thoroughfares of downtown Buffalo, Henry’s Crime has a little too much in common with its aimless namesake. Early on, Henry (Keanu Reeves), a tollbooth jockey and first-class space cadet, gets tricked into being the getaway driver for a bank stickup,......

Meet Monica Velour

MEET MONICA VELOUR "You screw a few hundred guys and the whole world turns against you," says Linda Romanoli (Kim Cattrall) in Meet Monica Velour, an innocuous dramedy whose main attraction is the committed performance (and meta-performance) of its female lead. Far removed from Samantha Jones' stiletto stomping grounds and......

An Affirmative Act

AN AFFIRMATIVE ACT A promising story obscured by showy genre twists, An Affirmative Act is launched as a social-issue tract about a lesbian couple in New Jersey who married and adopted a child while one of them posed as a man. Directed by first-timer Jana Mattioli, the film veers into......

Cat Run

CAT RUN There’s this woman named Cat (Paz Vega), see, and she’s on the run. She’s running from “the boss,” “the enforcer,” “the exploiter,” “the seeker” and other generic heavies introduced with increasingly meaningless titles as they enter the fray of this hyperprocessed pulp caper. After comely call girl Cat......

Lord of the Dance 3D

LORD OF THE DANCE 3D Michael Flatley knows what you think of him. He's heard it all — cantering megalomaniac, spotlight-humping hambone — and he's here to tell you that he's selling out stages around the world without you. Yet I suspect even his fans — and I could now......