Playwright Sarah Ruhl presents a potentially interesting twist to the Greek myth about Orpheus’ descent into the underworld to rescue his bride, Eurydice. Numer...
It has been estimated that since its founding in 1776 the United States has been in a state of war for 227 years out of the past 244 years. None of those elusiv...
Our bodies are just temporary husks we exchange between incarnations, and at DisGender Euphoria: Nayland Blake’s First International Intergenerational Gender Di...
Samuel Beckett’s Quad is a play, and yet it’s not a play. First performed in a 1981 German TV broadcast directed by the Irish playwright himself, the work has n...
“In the strange moment we are in now, ‘when all the world is a hopeless jumble,’ I think about that remarkable turning point in American history, and in America...
Throughout human history, the best way to get the attention of the authorities in charge has always been when people take their own power and get out in the str...
As part of L.A. Opera’s Eurydice Found Festival, scholar Nadia Islam and writer Velina Hasu Houston present “The Body Female,” with four interdisciplinary perfo...
To celebrate the world premiere of composer Matthew Aucoin and librettist Sarah Ruhl’s opera Eurydice in February, L.A. Opera is continuing with a series of rel...
In the world premiere of Long Beach Opera’s new adaptation of composer Henry Purcell and librettist John Dryden’s ancient 1691 opera, King Arthur, Chicano comed...
Over the past two months, the experimental ensemble Wild Up and its artistic director, Christopher Rountree, have been presenting Darkness Sounding, a series of...