Have you ever just looked at your furry friend and thought, “Why on Earth does my dog do that?” In one way or another, we are all guilty of grabbing our phones just to record our dogs engaging in their strange dog behaviors. We either find it funny or alarming. Whether you are curious to know why they do things like eat poop or chase their tails or are genuinely concerned with said behaviors, we have decoded the meaning behind your pooch’s wild antics. 

Strange dog behaviors are (often) completely normal 

For quite some time, you have been starting to notice that there is a pattern to your dog’s strange behavior, and it has been happening a lot more frequently too. 

For starters, the majority of strange dog behaviors are normal, especially if they only happen every once in a while. 

However, once you notice that your dog is excessively exhibiting a certain behavior, then it would be best to trust your gut and take it to the vet. 

For example, if a dog chases after its tail too much, it may be a sign of ear infections, seizures, or even brain lesions. 

A visit to the vet will help determine what is really going on with your pooch. Most often than not, the condition of your dog is due to its genetics (some dogs spin more often than others) or something even more severe.

Always be on the lookout for any strange dog behaviors your furry pal might be doing in excess. 

Then, if you have a gut feeling that something is up, do not hesitate to consult a vet. 

1. Eating poop 

There is another way to refer to this strange dog behavior, and it is a medical term called coprophagy. 

The moment we see our dogs gobble down their own feces, we either get grossed out or are too stunned to speak because it is a common behavior in dogs, yet it seems unusual at the same time. 

According to the Kennel Club, around 25% of dogs eat their poop. 

There are a few explanations for why dogs do this. They may have learned it from their mothers, they may be stressed out or bored, they are starving and in dire need of food, they need certain nutrients that can be found in poop, or they have an underlying health condition like malabsorption

For the majority of dogs, they eat their poop because they enjoy the taste and texture of it. It is as simple as that. 

On the other hand, a certain Dr. Jakubowsky asserts that a dog’s consumption of feces may have originated as a result of an ancestor’s instinct for survival. 

In the wild, wolves consume their own feces when there is nothing left to eat. 

Lastly, fecal consumption may also be linked with a person’s punishment of their dogs. 

If you see your dog pooping in an area of your home where they should not, never be too harsh on them. This way, they will not associate punishment with pooping. 

But when dogs do associate the two together, that is what results in the poop-eating behavior, as it is a means of trying to get rid of evidence so that they will not be punished. 

2. Tail chasing 

Dogs are known for their playful nature, so it makes sense that they would use their tails as a means of releasing their pent-up energy.  

Dogs also treat their tails as if they were toys, which is why they bite and chase them around in circles. 

The moment you notice your dog doing this in excess, though, may be an indication of something else entirely. 

Frequent tail-chasing could be a symptom of either behavioral issues or a hidden medical condition like flea-bite allergies or anal gland problems. 

3. Dog humping everything 

Our first interpretation of a dog humping on people, objects, or fellow dogs would be that they are in heat. 

While it is true that humping is one of the signs that dogs are in heat, it is not the only reason why dogs do it. 

Strange dog behaviors, like humping, are done by dogs regardless of whether they are neutered or spayed. 

So, aside from being in heat, dogs hump due to overexcitement, seeking attention, being over-stimulated, or something linked to a health issue. 

If you notice that your dog occasionally humps, you do not have to be alarmed. However, if the humping is done way too often, then you may have to bring your dog to a vet. 

If your dog constantly humps everything in his path, then it may have an irritation or infection. If your dog is male, then they may have prostate issues. 

4. Dog dragging its bum across the floor

There is actually a term for this strange dog behavior, and it is scooting. 

Scooting is not a normal behavior and is linked to several issues that make a dog feel uncomfortable. 

Your dog may drag its bum across the floor due to intestinal parasites, trauma to its anal sacs, skin irritation from grooming, irritation from food allergies, or clogged anal sacs. 

5. Zoomies 

Every dog owner has seen their pet run around inside their homes, usually making a mess because of their pent-up energy. 

This is what we call zoomies. This strange dog behavior is completely normal, given that dogs do this to release pent-up energy or stress. 

So if you see your furry friend suddenly jolt from one side of the room to another, there is no reason to be alarmed. 

6. Dog going around in circles 

A dog repeatedly going around in circles could mean a lot of things, and this would heavily depend on what is currently happening before they do it. 

In stressful situations, a dog will spin due to anxiety. If a dog spins before they lay down on a bed, then that means they are prepping their sleeping quarters (also known as nesting). 

If a senior dog keeps going around in circles, then that would mean that they are suffering from some sort of medical issue that affects their three senses (hearing, smell, and vision). 

It may also be an underlying neurological issue. 

Just to be sure, observe your pooch carefully. See what could possibly trigger this behavior. Bring your dog to the vet at once if you notice it spinning in circles all the time. 

Dogs bring a lot of joy to our lives, and their silly antics keep social media platforms alive with laughter. Unless the behavior becomes incessant or obsessive, odds are your pup is just having a great time!

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