See also: Wavves of Pleasure: Indie Poster Boy Nathan Williams Makes Time For Recreation

In next week's print edition we hang loose with scuzzed-out surf rockers Wavves — look for it in the just-renamed West Coast Sound page! (It used to be called Page Two.)

For the piece, we journeyed to frontman Nathan Williams' Eagle Rock abode to talk about Wavves' forthcoming EP, Life Sux, and what his girlfriend Bethany Cosentino won't let him put on the walls.

But ahead of the band's benefit gig at the Troubadour tomorrow night supporting the Fender Music Foundation, we're giving you a few teaser outtakes. Behold, as Williams and bassist Stephen Pope weigh in on approaching strippers, approaching Dave Grohl, and how they managed to get kicked out of both the VMAs and Lil Wayne's afterparty.

On getting kicked out of the VMAs:

SP: I was drunk and trying to sneak in champagne and weed…

NW: We had 15 joints.

They don't let that kind of thing slide for the artists?

NW: Nobody knew who the fuck we were.

SP: I tried to bring in the champagne three times and then they ripped up my ticket. Apparently they had champagne for us inside, but I didn't know that, so I was trying to sneak in my own. And then there was free champagne right across the entrance line.

NW: We had bought really nice champagne, to be fair.

On the rest of the night:

NW: I definitely don't remember the tail end of it. By the time that Tyler won, I was a space cadet. I don't remember Lil Wayne performing, I think when that happened I left. I was hanging out with Eric Warheim at some point. And then we were at Lil Wayne's party. Then we got thrown out.

SP: I tried to talk to a stripper.

NW: Yes, you did.

SP: I don't ever try to talk to any girl!

NW: But that's not why we got kicked out. I got us all kicked out because I was on acid and actin' a fool. Then we came back to my house and hung out with Unknown Mortal Orchestra and started betting our limo driver to shotgun beers. He took us up on it.

On collaborating with Fucked Up's Damian Abraham:

NW: I fully take credit for getting Damian to start smoking weed.

On collaborating with GZA:

NW: He was really shy, I was surprised. Really reserved and grateful.

SP: I asked him if he wanted to smoke weed. That's all I could manage to say. He said, 'No I smoked a blunt on the way over here.'

NW: He was also with his wife and kids, so, you know.

SP: But his kid was really cool.

On why, despite having a song called “I Wanna Meet Dave Grohl,” they haven't met Dave Grohl:

NW: He was at the VMAs. Stephen had just gotten kicked out, and I was too scared to try to go up and grab him by myself. I had just spilled some champagne on some famous people, so I was trying to play it cool.

On their Nickelodeon crush:

SP: Oh my god, the girl from The Secret World of Alex Mack. She was so hot.

You mean the one who turned into a puddle?

NW: Yes! Larisa Oleynik! I had such a crush on her.

On being a nerd:

NW: I have a lot of superhero comics. My dad got me into all that stuff. He wrote his dissertation at Yale on Blade Runner. He was a huge nerd. He bought us a Playstation because he wanted to play it, and bought all RPGs. I grew up on Star Trek: Next Generation, it's bad-ass! Piccard is such a sly, bald-ass motherfucker. X-Files? Huge fan. My first two cats were named Mulder and Scully.

On being a jock:

NW: I was supposed to go to college to play soccer. Before I played music, that's what I was supposed to do. I had scholarships to San Diego State and Point Loma Nazarene University, but I just decided that that wasn't what I was wanted to do. I wanted to play music. Besides, I was 17 or 18 and was like 'Fuck sports! I wanna get drunk and party with girls.'

Wavves plays the Troubadour this Saturday, September 17 at 8 p.m.; free with RSVP

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