Odd Future's accustomed to having bottles thrown at them (watch the video after the jump) and Chris Brown taking Twitter beef to the street. But that's all in the name of anger teenage angst too much 18-year-old boy testosterone fun! When they arrive for their show July 16th at Chicago's Pitchfork Festival, they'll be faced with some really upset grownups.

Following a heated discussion over WBEZ's blog post asking if, by booking Odd Future, Pitchfork was “endorsing rape or showcasing art,” several Chicago-area groups have planned to picket Odd Future's appearance at the festival. Pitchfork turned down a request by Rape Victims Advocates for space inside the fest, saying all of the booths for non-profit organizations were already taken.

Calling Pitchfork “the most socially conscious and community-oriented of Chicago's big musical celebrations,” WBEZ goes on to say:

Pitchfork booking Odd Future is not unlike Whole Foods deciding to sell fried Twinkies, factory-bred chicken, and tuna with 10 times the mercury content.

So, groups are going to picket outside the festival by handing out, um, cardboard fans.

Between Friends, a nonprofit agency with a 25-year history “dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence and building a community free of abuse” announced that it will be taking to the West Side streets around Union Park, handing out 5,000 cardboard fans “with a powerful message about violence against women and resources listed on them” resulting in “a sea of fans cooling down concertgoers while hopefully getting them discussing the issue and knowing where to turn for help.”

Do they have any idea of the demographic they're dealing with? It looks something like this:

Good luck, Between Friends.

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