A young assistant coach at a Burbank high school allegedly gave some of his baseball players beer during a spring break team trip to Arizona.

Now he's out of a job, along with two other assistants and the head coach at Burroughs High School. Not only that, but the rest of the season has been canceled, and eighteen players have been disciplined.

But wait, there's more …

… Fox 11 News' Christina Gonzalez reported that Burbank police are looking into the incident and could be investigating whether a crime has been committed because not only were minors allegedly furnished with alcohol, but this might have happened across state lines.

The coach in question was described as a man in his 20s.

Another coach at the school told news reporters it was a bummer that so many of the kids — only 11 actually admitted to drinking — had to be disciplined and face a shortened season.

The team was said to be headed for the playoffs, too.

Indeed, it's a different era with this stuff. Not to make light of our recent history. But high school baseball players drinking during spring break would have, in the past, been called, well, a drug-free spring break.

Real clean-and-sober like.

Now everything's a felony.

The lesson? Don't do beer runs for your underage players, even if you're trying to be the cool coach.

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