In college, I knew a guy who only liked girls with glasses. Every gal to him looked better in spectacles. It didn't matter if she was pretty, ugly, old, young, short, tall, big or small–if she had prescription lenses, she became instantly 10 points hotter. Eventually, this guy became my boyfriend. When we first started going out, I had 20-20 vision. I worried that he wasn't attracted to me. “But I don't wear eyeglasses,” I said.

“Not yet,” he said.

Anyway, this latest offering in the world of sexy librarian chic fetishes, The Pretty Girls With Nerdy Glasses Appreciation Society, is sort of the fashion model version of that aesthetic. The girls are indeed pretty. Do the glasses make them more so? I'm not sure.

Credit: Another anonymous girl from the PGWNG Society

Credit: Another anonymous girl from the PGWNG Society

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The situation has been getting out of hand lately in the hipster community with the proportion of the glasses to the face of the girl.

Incidentally, The Pretty Girls With Nerdy Glasses Appreciation Society is not the only site of its kind.

(via Zippercut, and Mandy Ma, who is herself a pretty girl who sometimes wears glasses)

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