Breaking! Snoop Dogg came out Monday in favor of Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization initiative on the November California ballot.

This news is roughly as shocking as Tommy Chong's endorsement.

As noted by Celebstoner, Snoop told George Lopez on his TV show last night that “I really believe it will take California to another level.”

Yes, yes, it certainly will.

Snoop spoke lovingly of the current medicinal marijuana law.

“It's the best piece of medicine we've ever created. I used to go to the store and buy Anacin and Bufferin and Bayer – but it's nothing like this medical marijuana.”

Perhaps the problem was that he was taking anachronistic painkillers. Anacin? Did he wash it down with a Tab?

“They got Blueberry, Strawberry, Purple, OG Kush. They even have Obama Kush. That's when you're blowin' presidential.”

As we noted here, a new polling phenomenon, called “The Broadus Effect,” has been named after Snoop. It refers to poll respondents' reticence to answer 'yes' to the question of whether they support legalization, fearing law enforcement action.

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