Perhaps the brightest beacon of culture in all of Redondo Beach — Pollywog Park bona fides notwithstanding — artist Lezley Saar premieres her Autist's Fables exhibition at Merry Karnowsky Gallery. Her Hieronymous Bosch–by-way-of–family vacation slides oeuvre — painting, diorama and film — remains a literally wonderful and peripherally chilling aspect of the greater prism of pop surrealism, providing a transcendent escape from the usual seasonal miseries and 9/11 anxieties that slowly ebb through the autumn months. Inspired by her adolescent autistic daughter, Geneva, Saar's work is like a sprightly and bizarre trip to the prize machine at the supermarket: You can see all sorts of compelling bits and pieces of cultural effluvia mixed together, and you never know what you'll get out of a brief investment of your time.

Tuesdays-Saturdays. Starts: Sept. 11. Continues through Oct. 2, 2010

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