I'm rubber, you're glue — everything you say bounces off me and I am a pervert! Now that I've realized who you really are, head out to the West Coast Rubber Festival. For four days of sensual sinning, you'll shoehorn yourself into your own portable sweat lodge during this festival that pays lavish tribute to the Great God Goodyear. You'll enjoy the Gear Up Dungeon Party and the Full Rubber Dinner (which may or may not include food from Kenny Rogers Roasters). Main sponsor Syren/Stockroom oversees the rubber couture extravaganza known as the Gear Show and the workshops at the Stockroom showroom, a slime pit and afternoon kink social at Eagle L.A. Topping it off is the hilltop retreat at which you'll attend a lubed-up pool party. The view up there is breathtaking — but be careful, because after huffing rubber for four days, it might make you pass out.

Fri., Sept. 3; Sat., Sept. 4; Sun., Sept. 5; Mon., Sept. 6, 2010

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