Rocket From the Crypt Says Happy Birthday Alex: Alex’s Bar owner Alex Hernandez has a milestone birthday this week — the main man turns 50, and he’s celebrating with two mega shows. Manic Hispanic and the Riverboat Gamblers play on Friday. On Saturday, Speedo’s evangelical rock & rollers Rocket From the Crypt play, also with the Riverboat Gamblers plus Assquatch and R0bber.
Hernandez deserves a good party. We spoke to him in 2018, and he said that, “People think we’ve been open so long so we must have it down — it must be easy,” he says. “The struggle never stops. You’re paddling in a canoe against the current constantly, and if you stop paddling you’re gonna go down the falls. We’re such a niche market,” he says. “The music industry isn’t what it was, so we’re trying to keep the music industry going a little bit. Support and nurture the local scene, keep developing artists, and then be waiting there for them when they’re coming back down and not playing the 1,000-capacity rooms anymore.”
“I would have never imagined things would come ’round to where we are now from where we were when I started,” he added. “I’ve just been doing it longer than anyone else. Agents know that if they’re trying to book a show that isn’t L.A. proper, I’m the guy.”
Rocket From the Crypt Says Happy Birthday Alex: The event takes place at 8 p.m. on Saturday, January 14 at Alex’s Bar.
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