
Rockers Battle MS at the Whisky: A host of rock and pop talent will take on the horrifically shitty disease that is Multiple Sclerosis with a Rock Against MS benefit show, a “Halloween ’80s charity bash,” at the Whisky A Go Go on Wednesday night.

Steven Adler of Guns N’ Roses, Tiffany, Todd Morse of the Offspring, members of a host of rock and metal bands (including a surprise or two), and a bunch of tribute bands including Nerd Halen and the fabulous GayC/DC — all will donate their time and music to this great cause. Comedian Hal Sparks MCs the event.

Nancy Sayle has been putting on the Rock Against MS events for years now, COVID permitting. We spoke to her in 2018 and she told us, “It’s like, we need help now. “I can’t work full-force, and once it got out that I have this disease, even though it’s not stopping me being a warrior here, people disappeared. I was the cream of the crop [in PR]. I had Rob Zombie, Steve Vai — I had 47 clients and went to zero really fast. I don’t know if they think they’re bothering me, or don’t want to take a chance in case I can’t do my job, but I guess that they just don’t understand the MS.”

“If you saw me, I’m physically fit, I’ve got long hair and tattoos, I’m 54 but people think I’m like 40 — great, I’ve got good genetics,” she continued. “But I have Primary Progressive, the worst kind of MS, so every day is a bad day. We live in trapped bodies. People need to be open to knowing that MS is invisible. Do I look good? Thank you, but I can’t feel my leg, and I’m losing sight in one eye. Every day is a crapshoot.”

It’s a diabolical disease, so please show your support on Wednesday.

Rockers Battle MS at the Whisky: The event takes place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12 at the Whisky A Go Go.























































































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