A Tin-Pot Dictator Is Being Inflated

Iraqi dissident KANAN MAKIYA, a fellow at Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies and a visiting professor at Brandeis, is author of four books on Iraq, among them Republic of Fear, which is widely considered the authoritative account of Saddam Hussein's regime. Born and raised in Iraq, Makiya found that......

It Would Be a Suicide Mission for Iraq To Use These Weapons

MAURICE EISENSTEIN is a former senior staff member and currently a senior consultant on national security matters for the Rand Corporation. He was interviewed by BEN EHRENREICH on what we know about the Iraqi chemical and biological weapons programs. On the chemical side, the Iraqis have demonstrated a capacity to......

It's Hard To Imagine Air Strikes Would Do Much Destroying of Weapons

GREG TREVERTON is director of the Rand Corporation's International Security and Defense Policy Center. BEN EHRENREICH spoke to him about the nature of weaponry in present-day Iraq and our probable expectations in the current conflict. What we really know about Iraqi weapons production is the situation prior to Desert Storm......

Iraq Is Not Question

DAVID McREYNOLDS is a member of the War Resisters League, a secular international organization formed in 1923 by conscientious objectors who were jailed for their opposition to World War I. He spoke with JUDITH LEWIS about the pacifist viewpoint on the looming conflict. I think pacifists have to be as......

I Would Prefer Commando Units to Bombing Raids

MICHAEL WALZER is a professor of social science at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, co-editor of Dissent and author of Just and Unjust Wars, Revolution of the Saints and other works. He spoke with HAROLD MEYERSON about the morality of military action in the Persian Gulf, particularly about......

Almost Unbidden, Nations Stand Up

JAMES STEINBERG is deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs - that is, the top deputy to National Security adviser Sandy Berger. HAROLD MEYERSON spoke with him on Friday, February 13. Harold Meyerson: Does the level of Russian opposition, and other international opposition, to a proposed military action......

The Feel-Good War

It started in the morning as a low rumble, barely audible above the debate of small-arms fire raging between a squad of M1 Abrams tanks and a line of Iraqi soldiers dug into a slender trench nearly one mile long. Soon the source of that rumble, an armor-plated M9 combat......

Vengeance Is His

Best known here for Black Rain, his devastating shocker about the catastrophe visited on Hiroshima, Shohei Imamura is one of the greatest directors alive. Too bad his name - or the unforgettable cast of bosomy hookers, country gargoyles and other assorted lowlifes who people his 17 films - barely registers......