The Los Angeles City Council approved a motion mandating the Department of Water and Power to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2035.

Councilmembers Paul Krekorian and Mitch O’Farrell co-authored the “LA 100” motion in march and set a similar deadline to the state’s 2035 ban on new gas cars.

“It was not that many years ago when we were still debating in the city council, whether or not the DWP could ween itself off coal and now we’ve come to a point a few years later where not only have we blown past that goal, but we set this new goal of achieving 100% carbon-free energy by 2035,” Krekorian said Wednesday. “I want to say ‘thank you’ to DWP for taking this task on so aggressively and so seriously.”

Now, every six months, the DWP will report on its transition to carbon-free energy to the city council’s Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice and River Committee.

The DWP has been working closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, conducting studies searching for ways to make the energy transition.

“The LADWP is on target to complete a transformation of the power grid that will serve as a model for the nation,” Krekorian said. “At a time when the world is urgently struggling to forestall and eventually reverse the effects of climate change, the progress of LA100 provides hope for the future — in Los Angeles and beyond.”