Robbie Conal

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Erectile Issues

Roger Mahoney has already spent $193 million on a cathedral that looks like a giant prison — a big cube of holy cheese looming over downtown L.A. Since the Church has been bending over backward to protect its predatory chicken hawks, the Taj Mahoney is turning into a sanctuary for......
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Dick Cheney, the Enronergizer Bunny

Dick Cheney is a high-energy guy. He was CEO of Halliburton, a giant Texas construction and engineering company that services Texas oil companies. Dick is battery powered — his pacemaker keeps all that bullshit, er, big oil pumping through his veins. He wrote a national energy report but didn’t mention......
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History in Posters

Casual Drug Users Ought To Be Taken Out and Beaten, 1991 Robbie Conal and Patrick Crowley, offset, Los Angeles This was the first poster to be made in response to the beating of Rodney King. Robbie Conal and Patrick Crowley had been collaborating for months on this photomontage designed to......
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J. Edgar Dreamin'

OOPS! Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been praying for the return of the '50's for a while now. Be careful what you pray for, J. Edgar was a pretty bad boy. . . Well, maybe not so pretty......
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Fucking Frogs

The Playa Vista project has landed — right on top of the Ballona Wetlands. That's a lot of squashed frogs, baby. Exploiting and destroying natural splendor is a toxic combination — the m.o. of crass commercialism at its worst. It could be turned upside down by developing Ballona Wetlands as......