Liz Ohanesian

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Tune in Tokyo: Where Jpop and Jrock Rule

Inside Second Street Jazz Club on December 18, a floor full of dancers cleared to make way for a spritely trio who took their places in a straight, horizontal line in front of the stage. As DJ Yuki mixed hyper Eurobeat-style music, similar to what one might hear during a......
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Heroes of the Final Frontier: Top 5 Space Cowboys from TV and Film

William Shatner said it best at the beginning of every Star Trek episode, "Space, the final frontier." For decades since, life amongst the stars has unfolded on screens big and small like western epics, with bounty hunters, gunslingers and the losers of grand wars wandering through lawless lands, their simple......
Lane earns his living as a visual artist

Mark Lane, Resynthesized

Up a winding road an hour outside of Los Angeles, artist-musician Mark Lane lives and works in near solitude, creating prolifically against the foggy backdrop o...